Monday, February 20, 2017

Dumb Dilemmas

[1:47 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Trotting along atop her steed, Alexandra surveyed the sky. The clouds tumbled gently as they rolled across it, ever-changing as they went. Dear Olphira. Please, guide your faithful in her time of exigency. I'm before two paths, and am torn between them.
[2:06 PM] Birb - Sky: Viana was skipping through, noticing the clouds, not paying a lot of attention to where she was particularly usual. She was humming a particular tune joyfully and carefree, yet also noticably off-key. Wowwie, that cloud looks like a cute bunny. I wish I had a bunny Viana thought to herself. Then she bumped into something heavy and she stumbled backwards. "Ouchie!" she yelled as she hit the ground below her. She looked up and saw a big horse, and a rider. "Oh by Mouna, so sorry about that there! I swear, I'd bumb into my head if it weren't attached to my neck." She said awkwardly. "Oh my! You're one of the horsie ladies! I can't really tell which one you are, but you're the only one I've seen as of late at least... Though I could've sword there's more lady riders somewhere..." She shrugged it off "Eh, I'm not the greatest at counting"
[2:20 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: The horse flicked his tail. Alexandra looks over her should at the other woman with some effort, and is a bit confused, "I... Yes. You're... Viana, right? I'm Alexandra. I apologize for acting as an obsticle. I was distracted by my thoughts."
[2:22 PM] Birb - Sky: "hehe, nah, don't worry... Alex, was it? I would've just ran into something else if it weren't you. But is your horsie alright? I would hate to have hurt something on account of me not paying attention. I kinda do that a lot, so sorry"(edited)
[2:25 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Copernicus will be fine. He's yet to let me down," Alexandra shook her head, "I doubt a light bump at worst will change that." Alexandra brought her mount to turn, so that she could more comfortably look to Viana.
[2:30 PM] Birb - Sky: "Oh well, that's good! I'm glad he's alright then!" She said, as she began to gently rub the horse's spot where she had bumped him, as if to show her apologies to the lovely giant. "Yeah, it feels weird to still not know the names of a lot of people here. All I really know is Finn, Delphine, and that dragon lady... whatsername? Reese, that's right! ... no, wait, no it isn't... Rieze, yeah that's it! I'm not the greatest at remembering stuff all the time. hehe, I usually just kinda run around doing whatever until Finn or Delphine tell me what to do, to be honest with you! Oh yeah, here ya go!" she said after rambling for a few minutes. She was now offering her hand to Alexandra, while on her tipy toes, to make sure her hand could reach high enough. "Nice to meetcha!" she said with her classic goofy smile(edited)
[2:35 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra takes the hand in a firm shake, then teased, "Is your opponent from the port town tourney so easily forgotten? I suppose was defeated rather easily though."
[3:38 PM] Birb - Sky: "Oh goodness gracious! No wonder you look so familiar! hehehe well I'm glad I didn't hurt you too bad!" She laughed a bit awkwardly. "So uh... what bring a horse-lady like yourself and her horse out for a ride today?" Viana asked, uncertain of what else to talk about
[3:40 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Just out to think while the caravan is resting," Alexandra explains, "Something I've been doing a good amount of lately."
[3:42 PM] Birb - Sky: "Oh, I don't really do much of that." Viana admitted, "I just kinda walk around doing whatever comes to mind. What makes ya do it so often lately?"
[3:51 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: She doesn't... Well, she's certainly not shy. The question however... "Of home, and the future. Whether I remain in the guard, or retire a pursue other goals," Alexandra sighed a bit heavily, "Which is more important. My duty or seeking a family of my own."
[3:56 PM] Birb - Sky: Her face turns slightly gloomy from hearing the question. A difficult life decision question that Viana has pondered herself in the past, though not in the most serious of ways. (Probably what candy she'd rather eat first) "What that's a dumb thing to think about..." Viana says with a goofy smile beginning to form slowing on her face. "The thing that's most important is what makes you happy. Are you happy?"
[3:58 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: A dumb thing... If she wants a dumb thing I'll give her my hand mirror. Alexandra scowled to herself, taking a breath before speaking, "That's my dilemma. Which would I be truly happy with?"
[4:00 PM] Birb - Sky: "But are you happy now ?" Viana emphasized, her goofy smile growing a bit larger, oblivious to her scowl. She thinks it's probably just a weird-looking smile
[4:02 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I..." Alexandra stopped and considered, "I don't know. But if I decide to retire, I can't come back. Marriage alone would bar me from returning to the Royal Guard, let alone motherhood."
[4:06 PM] Birb - Sky: "Dunno if you're happy? Well that bites, don't it? ... here, have a candy. Maybe if you have some, you'll feel better. It'll at least taste better than potions." She offered her a candy from her pouch at her waist. It was still in it's wrapper and everything. It's like she was saving it for something. "Sometimes it's easier to be happy about the big stuff if you're happy at the little things first. It's why I like candy. They make my mouth happy."
[4:16 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Hm," Alexandra smirked, "Thank you, but no thank you. I couldn't, my stomach's been acting strangely ever since the boatride."
[4:19 PM] Birb - Sky: "Oh, well that's fair, but at least keep it for later. Then your mouth can be happy later when it's a better time for you" she said with a giggle as she placed it into her hand(edited)
[4:21 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra sighed in defeat, "Very well. Thank you, Viana."
[4:27 PM] Birb - Sky: "Yeah, don't mention it, silly. Just find the little things that make you happy. Then the big though wil naturally follow. At least... that's why I risked everything to find Delphine. She's like family to me. The most family that I have... and being with her makes it easier to be happy. It doesn't have to be anything complicated, silly. Just something that makes ya happy. Besides, complicated things are confusing." She sat down and popped one of her candies in her mouth, smiling like an idiot as she relished the sweet sugar with her eyes closed "Mmmm..."
[4:33 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: I suppose there's some wisdom in the way she simplifies it. I shouldn't write her off so easily. "If only that were true, Viana," Alexandra sighed, "Captain of the guard has been my aspiration for my entire life. I don't know that I could bear to shed the title and post. But as the years pass, I find myself wishing for a family to help thrive."
[4:40 PM] Birb - Sky: Viana opened her eyes and began staring at the clouds again as her hands played with her purple hair. "I mean, goals are nice and all, but only if they make you happy. And you don't sound too happy, so it sounds like you need a new goal, a better one." Oops, she did it again. She spoke before she thought. "I-I-I didn't mean it like that, sorry... I-it's just... there's no use working towards a goal if you aren't guaranteed happiness. I try to live day by day and accept those little victories as I can. And if you're sad enough to be wondering out here all and sad and thinking or whatever, maybe you should try to just not, y'know? Just do something and don't think too much about it. Thinking seems to be your problem. So just... stop being smart, maybe? Yeah, maybe that could work!"
[4:43 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "But if I simply wait for it to pass, the decision will make itself," Alexandra insisted, "And there'll be nothing to do about it."
[4:47 PM] Birb - Sky: "Maybe nothing is the answer..." Viana pondered a bit, a rare occurance. "Don't let something you gotta do get you down. Sometimes you just have to not do stuff... like... this one time I didn't know what kind of soup I should have for dinner, so I just didn't eat either. And everyone that ate it threw up a lot... so basically, what I'm trying to say, Alex... Passing the soup is sometimes better than choosing to eat one" The metaphor was very elementary, but it was the best Viana could do.
[4:49 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alex made an exasperated sigh, "But I havne't the option to take neither. I have to take one or the other. There's no way for me to have both, nor can I have neither."
[4:52 PM] Birb - Sky: "I dunno, sometimes ya gotta just do what feels best. Just because you don't think you can't do nothing doesn't mean you really can't. Just try to do it anyway, I guess. It's what I would do, probably."(edited)
[4:55 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I... That leaves me where I began, deciding which I'd be more happy with," Alexandra sighed.
[4:56 PM] Birb - Sky: "Well then... come here and lay on the grass with me. All I can really do is help you relax" Viana offered with a goofy grin
[4:59 PM] Birb - Sky: "You look like you are having trouble relaxing, y'know? Just... try to not think about it and relax a little... It's all I know best..." She exhaled deeply, beginning to be sad that she's running out of options. She wants to help, but she's not very good at advice, so she's trying another approach, even if it sounds awkward, she knows she has to try
[5:06 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra's mouth hangs open a bit. She sits utterly flabbergasted as she tipped her head. 'Not shy' indeed. Come lay down in the grass...? I... What do I even say to that? I can't very easily just tell her no. That would be tremendously rude. But at the same time... Actually. Why not? It can't hurt. Alexandra sighed, "I've no better idea. Very well. Would you help me down from Copernicus's saddle?"(edited)
[5:13 PM] Birb - Sky: "Uhhhhhh... okay!" She leaps up and offers her hand to Alexandra, and helps her down. She then intends to join her on the grass, but she trips and fall face first... then she rolls over, so her back in on the ground now. "Don't worry, my face is used to it by now" she giggled "Ohhhhh lookat that one!" she says as she points to a cloud.
[5:16 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Thank you," Alexandra gives a hefty sigh when her feet are on the ground. She carefully walks over to Viana, then slowly sits. Then just as slowly lays back. It takes her a moment to get comfrotable, what with her breastplate and all. But she manges, watching the clouds with the ditzy archer.
[5:18 PM] Birb - Sky: Viana points to another cloud "That one looks like a horse! But like a funny horse with 7 legs... I wish that was my horse. Maybe the extra legs could get me places faster" Viana giggled out as she played more with her hair
[5:20 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra smirked, chuckling, "I suppose they could. But perhaps the extra legs would make it trip over itself."
[5:21 PM] Birb - Sky: "Awww... Then we'd love each other even more! We'd understand each other perfectly" Viana said with a starry gaze and a smile that somehow was bigger than usual
[5:23 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Another set of chuckles, "I suppose so, yes." She's so darling and innocent. Why is she here, fighting in this damned war?
[5:27 PM] Birb - Sky: Viana's ADHD-esque mind began to make connections Horse --> Copernicus --> Alex --> Finn --> why is she here "So uh... how'd you ever end up here with Finn?" she asked out of the blue "hehe the thought had just occurred to me... you act pretty dainty to be in this army is all"
[5:29 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I was assigned by Her Majesty to help protect our refugee prince," Alexandra explained, "So I'm here with you all until he reclaims Floribar." Hmm. That cloud there. It nearly looks like a baby's craddle...
[5:33 PM] Birb - Sky: "Her Majesty? Whossat?" (Viana barely knows names, and kinda doesn't have common sense. Don't expect her to know politics stuff like who's royalty.)(edited)
[5:38 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Her Majesty, Queen Isabella of Damona?" Alexandra tipped her head again. I half want to take that back now...
[5:40 PM] Birb - Sky: "...sounds vaguely familiar..." she tried to rattle her brain and jog her memory, but all she really got out of that what that some Queen of some place sent her here " you didn't really have a choice coming here? Well that's not quite fair..." "how silly" she whispered to herself
[5:42 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I chose to devote myself to Her Majesty. I've no right to complain," Alexandra shook her head.
[5:43 PM] Birb - Sky: "...oh, well I guess it makes sense when you put it that way" Viana said, confusion now cleared from her mind "hehe, that's kinda why I'm here too" she giggled
[5:46 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Duty is as good a motive as any," Alexandra nodded.
[5:49 PM] Birb - Sky: "Yeah, I came here because I want to protect Delphine... She's kinda someone that's above me, both in the same sense as you, and as someone I care about like family"
[5:50 PM] Birb - Sky: "I travelled many months just to finally find here her after all... hehehe" she said, with a chuckle at the end
[5:50 PM] Birb - Sky: "Funny how it works out that way, huh?"
[5:54 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I guess so. I can't count how many times I've wanted to simply take my steed and charge back to Damona," Alexandra sighed.
[5:55 PM] Birb - Sky: "Well, if it makes you happy to at least go back there... then you can once you've completed your mission. That way you can be proud that you completed it, and happy that you get to go back... I suppose you can just figure it out later, 'kay?"
[5:58 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I suppose so, yes," Alexandra nodded, "I just need to think more on it. I've stil got time to decide."
[6:05 PM] Birb - Sky: "Silly... didn't you hear what I said earlier? Try not to think too much about it... maybe if you keep your mind off of it for a while, you can make a better decision when you come back to it later? Sounds alright if you ask me at least! What say you, horsie?" Copernicus neighed, but Viana had no idea what that meant Oh, yeah, I don't speak horsie...
[6:07 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "There's some wisdom to that, yes. I'm willing to try at least," Alexandra nods.
[6:11 PM] Birb - Sky: "Yayyyy! I hope it works out for ya..." She said a bit quieter than usual before yawning widely "This grass sure is soft, ain't it? It's like nature's bed or something..." she rambled "Too bad we ain't in the sky... clouds look even comfier for... for..." Viana said, almost in a whisper, barely able for Alex to hear In no time, Viana was tired and fell asleep on the grass mid-sentence. Didn't she know that was such a silly place to sleep?(edited)
[6:25 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Asleep..." Alexandra sighs. After some effort, she manages to get up. I suppose I'm walking Copernicus back. She doesn't try to to remount, instead grabbing the horse's reigns. Before she goes though I shouldn't just leave her here... With a sigh, Alexandra resolves to remain nearby until Viana wakes up.
[6:35 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: == == ==

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