Friday, September 23, 2016

Hats Don't Lie

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 7:45 PM

Shanoa crossed her arms. She was standing in the middle of the woman's barracks, tapping a foot unhappily. She wore her normal black dress and shoes. That isn't to say her appearance was completely normal, though. Notably, her hat was completely missing. This appeared to be the source of her unhappiness.

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 8:04 PM

Alexandra approached, expression blank as usual, finding it suspicious that the other woman simply stood where she had for so long, "Ma'am. I'm going to have to ask what you're doing. You've been standing here for quite a while."

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 8:09 PM

She held a finger to her lips. "Ssssh. If you listen really closely, you can hear it moving around." She stood completely still, allowing silence to fill the room. Complete silence, actually. Nothing additional was heard. She pouted. "Apparently it's gotten smarter. This is... problematic."

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 8:12 PM

"Correct me please, but it sounds to me as though you're implying that you lost your pet," Alexandra sighed, "If you somehow hadn't heard, the only pets allowed are mounts. This isn't a casual undertaking."

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 8:25 PM

She laughed. "You know, I really wish I had a cat. It would hit this whole witch theming I have going." she said, gesturing to her dress. "But sadly, it's not the case. I'm missing my hat." She dropped to the floor and looked under an adjacent bed. "I suspect it's run off." The herbalist looked back up the the other woman, with a playful smile. "Hats are allowed right?"(edited)

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 8:31 PM

"You're joking. Headwear doesn't wander off," Alexandra insisted flatly, "Excuse me if I'm not confident in your mental stability."

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 8:37 PM

Shanoa let out an amused laugh. "You might have a point. Until proven, though, I'll operate under the assumption I'm sane and my headwear actually just has a grudge on me." She hopped to her feet and held out a hand in greeting. "I'm Shanoa, by the way. Resident herbalist here in the company. And before you ask, no, the confusion regarding the hat is not the byproduct of recreational herbs."

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 8:47 PM

"Fine. Do not be surprised if I'm more thorough in your particular area next inspection though," Alexandra sighed, "I am Alexandra De'Trivel, Joint Captain of the Royal guard in Davonia. I am along to keep a personal eye at the Queen's request."

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 8:55 PM

Shanoa kept her hand held out awkwardly. "Ah, well, it's a pleasure to have you on the team! I must say, having a member of the Royal Guard makes me feel significantly safer!" If the young woman was being sarcastic, it didn't show in her cheerful speech and expression.(edited)

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 9:00 PM

"You're tone isn't helping your standing," Alexandra glared, "And don't play innocent. My patience is only so much."

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 9:07 PM

Shanoa tilted her head to the side in mild confusion. My tone? Does she not like me being cheerful? She gave pause. Ohhh. She's one of those stereotypical strict military people that tries to intimidate everybody. That's okay, I guess. She dropped her hand back to her side, having given up on getting a handshake. "Apologies, Alex." She gestured. "You don't mind being called Alex, do you? Or perhaps you prefer Alexa? Allie?" Shanoa had seen movement in the corner of her eye, and was trying to keep the conversation going so as to not startle it.

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 9:15 PM

"Captain," Alexandra insisted, "You'd do well to address me as such." She kept a prying eye scanning Shanoa, especially the mage's hands and face.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 9:18 PM

Shanoa never removed her gave from the other woman's face, and kept her stance loose. "Captain, then. I'll try to remember that." "Would you do me a favor of moving roughly two feet to the right? Preferably without turning around or making sudden movements." She was careful to keep her tone similar to that of her earlier statements.

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 9:20 PM

"Not without an explanation," Alexandra denied immediately.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 9:21 PM

Shanoa stuck out her tongue petulantly. "My hat is a few feet behind you. I was hoping to capture it."

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 9:26 PM

"You're not seriously expecting me to suddenly believe you're hat has truly developed a mind of it's own," Alexandra sighed again.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 9:29 PM

"Oh, come on. How much effort would it take to move a few steps to the side? Humor me." Shanoa held her arms in front of her and prepared to pounce.

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 9:31 PM

"Give me a legitimate reason," Alexandra glared, setting a hand on her sword's hilt.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 10:27 PM

Shanoa noticed her hand on her weapon. "Really now? Fine. I really need to use the women's room, and would appreciate it if you would move out of the way so I can get past this bed." She rolled her eyes.

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 10:57 PM

"Step over it," Alexandra remained stubborn, monotone and deadpan, "A talented mage as yourself can manage?"

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 11:41 PM

Wow. She really is just being a jerk for the heck of it, huh? I was hoping I wouldn't find any people like her here... The shadowy object scuttled out the door and around the corner. Shanoa sighed and sat down hard on the bed. "Wow. I must say, you've proven your point admirably." She flashed the other woman a thumbs up. "Against all odds, you have shown yourself to be inexplicably obstinate and petty."

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Friday at 11:45 PM

"I'd rather that than delusional and immature," Alexandra followed her with her eyes.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Friday at 11:54 PM

Shanoa shrugged. "Hey, my personality lets me make friends out of everybody. Yours lets you..." She cocked her head. "I don't want to say it's useless. I suppose there's merits to antagonizing everybody you meet?" She inspected her acquaintance's impassive face critically. "To each her own, I suppose. I don't think you're inherently bad. But I doubt we'll ever see eye to eye." She laid back on the bed and stretched. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to make up by helping me corner my hat? It's out in the hallways now, and despite being able to outrun me, it should be a simple matter for us to split up and trap it."
September 24, 2016

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 4:33 AM

"You insist upon this farce?" Alexandra sighs, frowning, "Fine. But as soon as it causes hindrance to another, I'm putting an end to it."

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 9:58 AM

Shanoa hopped to her feet instantly. "I knew you'd come around to it, Allie!" She pushed past the other woman and turned around at the entrance to the hall. "Okay, I saw it go to the right. So can you follow after it? I'll run around the other way and hope to circle around to the other end of the hall. Then we just trap it between us, like a classic pincer attack!" She dashed in the other direction. And then peeked back into the barracks momentarily. "Also, be careful. It hasn't bitten off anybody's hands in a while, but its not exactly in the best of moods currently. Caution is advised! And good luck!" With that, the young herbalist ran off once again.

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 10:00 AM

"You misunderstand. I'll allow this show to go along for now, but I'll not encourage it," Alexandra sighed, but the mage was already gone. Infuriating.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 10:09 AM

See, she can't be that bad after all. Shanoa thought as she sprinted around the base. Her heels made the task difficult, but not impossible by any means. Before long, she had circled around and reached the other end of the hallway. Okay, this should be a piece of cake. Given that Allie actually did walk down the hallway. She began carefully walking down the hallway.(edited)

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 10:12 AM

She had entered the hallway, but to continue her patrol, with no intention of assisting the mage and walking in the same direction as Shanoa had sprint.(edited)

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 10:25 AM

The witch continued to stalk down the hallways, but it was clear something was wrong. I should have either found the hat or Allie by now... Eventually, she reached the entrance to the barracks again, with neither of them in sight. You have got to be kidding me. I figured she was slightly dense, but THIS? Shanoa sighed again, before peeking in the barracks. Empty. Great She then began to run down the hallway after Alexandra.(edited)

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 10:31 AM

Alexandra continues her patrol until she heard the foot steps of the running spellcaster. She half turned, so her back was to the wall, "What now?"

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 10:36 AM

Shanoa leaned against a wall, panting. "Pretty nice trick you pulled there, Allie. Saying you'd help, then doing the least helpful course of action possible." She gave a pointed glare. "Is that how you get your kicks? Gotta say, not overly impressed."(edited)

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 12:37 PM

"If you'd stopped and listened, You'd have heard me correct you assumption," Alexandra resumed her patrol.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 12:48 PM

She snorted. "There was no assumption involved. You clearly agreed to help me. I hope you're not trying to cover for yourself by saying you changed your mind after I left?" She raised an eyebrow. "Man, that's pretty weak. I'm sure you can come up with a better excuse than that."

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 1:13 PM

"You are insistent on ruining my day. You best leave before anything else regrettable happens," Alexandra continued her march.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 1:39 PM

Shanoa opened her mouth in surprise. "Wait, what? How am I ruining your day?" The witch crossed her arms angrily. "You stopped me from catching my hat, decided to help me, and then purposefully let it escape to screw with me. And when I confront you about it, you say I'm the one ruining your day?!" Her rune began to glow, and small ashes floated to the floor from her back. "I don't believe I've met anybody so petty or self-centered in my life."

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 2:02 PM

Alexandra drew her sword and turned to face Shanoa, "Leave."

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 2:32 PM

Shanoa spread her arms wide. "You're telling me to leave this hallway? Or the team?" A frown came to her face. "Sorry, this is a public space, and I don't think you have the right to fire me." "Perhaps you forget that in this company, you're not some royal guard. You're my equal in terms of position. I say this for your own good, because I get the feeling you let your power go to your head." She glanced down at the sword. "Because I'm pretty sure threatening other members of the team and pointing weapons at them is grounds for expulsion from the company. And I'd hate to see such a talented member leave our ranks."

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 2:34 PM

"This is the first time I've wanted to run an innocent through with my blade, I suggest you don't test me," Alexandra glares with cold, peering eyes.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 2:58 PM

"See, it's stuff like that which gives me the impression you're unsuited for your position." She held up her hands to show she was unarmed. "Unless it's typical for the queen's guard to impale people when they lose their temper." Shoot, shoot, shoot, this is bad. I'm unarmed, and never have been good at taking a hit in the first place. Best option is to do damage control. "Hey, do you think we could try and fix up this situation? Sure, we're from wildly different backgrounds and have clashing personalities, but that doesn't mean we can't get along. We're obviously going to have to put up with each other for a while, so might as well make the best of it." Shanoa gave a wide, cheerful smile as best as she could with the panic rising in her chest. "I understand that we might not see eye-to-eye, and I'm sorry if I presumed your aid in my endeavors. Oh, and I apologize if I insulted you in any way." She held out her hand once again, to see if the other woman would shake it. "Think we can be friends? Or at least not end this relationship with somebody suffering grievous harm?" If she lops off my arm, I am SO going to burn my hat to ashes.

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 3:01 PM

"We will never be on good terms," Alexandra remained unmoved, "It is best if we interact as little as possible from now on."

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 4:53 PM

Hey, I tried. At the very least, I get to keep all my extremities. Shanoa withdrew her hand sadly. "Okay, if that's how you want it. I'm still going to watch your back on the battlefield, just like I would for anybody else. And I hope you'll do the same for me. I'd prefer it if you didn't let your emotions get in the way of your responsibilities."

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 5:06 PM

"Likewise. I'm not sinister, I just don't like you," Alexandra nodded.

Thief God Thanatos-Last Saturday at 11:12 PM

Shanoa winced. Brings back old memories, eh? Good times. She paused for a moment while considering what to say. "That's perfectly fine. You are by no means the first." She gave a small wave. "Well, at any rate, it was nice meeting such an interesting person." The witch turned to leave, only to see her hat sitting on the floor, covered in dust and looking rather forlorn for an inanimate object. A small smile came to her face. "Come here, you troublemaker." she said as she snagged the hat and dropped it on her head. "I promise to never fill you with water and fish again, okay? Didn't mean to upset you." she cooed.

Appa | Very Lewd-Last Saturday at 11:14 PM

Alexandra, sighing again, sheathes her blade and continues her patrol. She definitely meets the 'special' requirement.
 ==END RP==

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