Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Dead and They Don't Know It


Shanoa strode quickly and efficiently through the city of Damona. She was wearing her ever-present witch robes and hat, and doing her best not to pay any heed to the stares and whispers as she made her way to the center of the city. After a few more minutes of walking, she finally reached her destination. The young woman glanced down at the crumpled piece of paper in her hand and verified the address. After making sure there was no mistake she looked back up and took in the sight of the Castle of Damona. "Whoah. They weren't kidding when they said the lodgings were a plus. A girl like me could get used to this." A smile flitted to her lips, and she made her way past the front gate and to the entrance of the castle itself. The guards posted at the entrance crossed their lances to bar her approach, and one of them glanced down at her dismissively. "Appointment number and purpose of visit?" he inquired coldly. The Fire Mage grinned, and in one smooth motion, plucked her hat from her head and produced a small scroll from inside it. She then proceeded to toss the scroll to the lead guard, who fumbled with it for a moment before managing to open it with his gauntleted hands. He read it impassively and closed it after a few seconds. "Let the witch in. Official business, apparently." Shanoa snagged the scroll from the guard as she passed by and flashed him a smile. "You bet!" As she passed through the large doorway and made her way into the castle interior, a small gasp could be heard escaping her lips. As if in response, a small squeak emanated from her ornate hat. After speechlessly staring at the beautiful entrance room, Shanoa finally managed to regain use of her voice. "I think I made the right choice in coming here after all..."


A small whistle was heard, a bright red haired man was strutting across the room. His eyes wre closed and he was smiling, despite no one else in his vicinity. Ah! The glorious and maginificent Alfron, flawless as ever. Ah! The honorable and chilvaric Alfron, he who everyone admires for his strength, courage and charms! It's no wonder...


Alfron is hesitantly tapped on the shoulder, and a smooth voice is hear to his direct left. "Excuse me, kind sir. Would you be able to direct me to this room?" A woman in black robes is holding up a note, with a finger pointing to a written room number.(edited)


"Eh?" He blinked his eyes, briefly upset fro mbeing cut off from his fantastic daydreaming. Who is this...? He thought, eying her dress. I've seen weirder. He formed a slight smirk, bowing with one hand infront of him. "Well, m'lady, " He said with a polite tone. "It would be my pleasure to guide you through this castle.


Shanoa seems slightly taken aback. "My my, I can't very well refuse an offer like that from such a gentleman, can I? It would be my pleasure to have you escort me." The young woman gave a small curtsy. "My name is Shanoa. I'm here on matters concerning Prince Phineas."


Ho ho! Finally, someone who sees me for who I really am! He said, his shit-eating grin smirking. "Greetings, fair Shanoa--" "... concerning Prince Phineas?" He said. "Well, that's quite an interesting subject." He started to walk in the direcion of her room. I totally know where the room is!


She cautiously followed behind the exuberant man, making sure her back was never to him as they went down the various halls. "Oh? And why might that be, kind sir? Are you familiar with his plight?"(edited)


"Yes, infact! I happen to be a volunteer to escort, guard and protect his majesty1'


The Fire Mage flicked a stray lock of hair out of her eyes. "What a coincidence. I too happen to be in service to the young prince." A devilish look slit itself in her eyes. "Although my duties lie more in making any enemies of the prince extra crispy."


"Extra crisp--I suppose you're a Fire Mage?" He asked, slightly irked.(edited)


She gave him a thumbs up. "How astute of you. Yep, I'm currently serving as a Fire Mage. It's not my usual line of work, but I'm proficient enough in the field to get on." Shanoa gave an indifferent shrug. "Since I doubt my main field of expertise would be of much use to Phineas."


"Whiiiich would be, if I... may ask?" He raised an eyebrow.


"The down-to-earth and honest job of an herbalist. I catalogue herbs, mix concoctions, and create remedies." Shanoa stared off into space dreamily, as if remembering a fond memory. "Too bad there aren't that many good plants around this area. I brought enough to keep me busy for a while, though." Contrary to her statement, the young woman seemed to have no luggage or means of storing materials with her.


"What an... interesting profession -- We don't have that many herbalists around here. Which is why people like you are necessary! Consider it a compliment from yours truly." He gave the same smile that meant "no need to thank me, I'm so nice." "... you brought them, where?"


The Fire Mage seemed amused at his response. "Oh, I'm afraid I can't say. It's a lady's secret." "But enough about me! I'm sure you're anxious to tell me about yourself, after all. So, what is it that you do?"


What. "Well!" He moved a hand through his hair, grinning. "I'm so glad that you asked--" "Alfron Julkeus Donum III the Great--The best Axe Rider in this army--" He gave a shit-eating grin, his noble wear not making it any better. "--Chilvaric, noble and honorable."


Shanoa's eyes widened. Sadly, it was not due to Alfron's impressive demeanor. Rather, she had focused on a particular facet of what he said. "You ride a horse!? You have it to show him to me sometime! It is a he, right? Unless it's a girl. Gotta respect a horse's life decisions, you know? What's she look like? Does she have baby horses? Oh, that's so cute! What do you call baby horses again? Horsies, right? Aww, did you know-" The young woman's hands are clutched in front of her in excitement as a stream of random comments and questions bubbled forth.


What. I. He briefly paused, entering a quasi-catonic state of disbelief, shock and confusion. "U-uhm, yes, I ride a majestic white mane horse. My steed carries me to wherever I want."


Shanoa put both hands on his shoulders and stared into his eyes with an excited air about her. "Promise me that you'll show her to me! You will, won't you?"


"I-I will, fear not!" He gulped.


And just like that, she backed off and resumed her normal calm and collected demeanor. Hmm, sis was right. It is easy to control men. She flashed him another smile, so as not to throw him off guard completely. "Ah, how sweet of you. I look forward to it. Now, shall we proceed to my room?"(edited)


He rubbed his head. What's with this lady...? "Of course! Follow me, and all will be well..."


Her hands are behind her back as she diligently follows behind the chivalric, noble and honorable axe rider.


He strutted, moving to her room, occasionally glancing at her back. Well, atleast as much as he could.


She seemed to pick up on this, and commented on it. "Sir Alfron, you seem uneasy. Is something the matter?"


"Nnnope, nothing at all, dear Shanoa."(edited)


Shanoa put a single finger to her chin. "Ah, okay then. Tell me, Alfron, what are our living arrangements like? I'm under the impression we'll be moving around alot, but I wish to hear of what the rooms are like, and how many people I shall be sharing with."(edited)
August 30, 2016

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Tuesday at 8:47 PM

"Ah! You see..." Wait, what are they like? "As this is a castle of high nobility, I can assure you we have the highest quality of rooms."

Deallocate-Last Tuesday at 8:53 PM

Well, that was surprisingly bland of an answer. "Is that so? Well, that's refreshing to hear, at the least." They came to a hall featuring multiple doors. "Oh, is this them now?"

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Tuesday at 8:54 PM


Deallocate-Last Tuesday at 9:07 PM

Shanoa reached the appropriate room, and opened it. When peeking inside, she spotted several other women from the team doing various activities. Whoah. That's alot of people. Our group is pretty small, right? If all these women are on our team, then it has to be like 90% girls! She withdrew her head and looked back to Alfron. "Hey, how are there any other groups staying at the mansion at the same time as us?"(edited)

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Tuesday at 9:14 PM

He bit his lip, trying to maintain his composure. "What doy ou mean?"

Deallocate-Last Tuesday at 9:18 PM

She thrust a finger over her shoulder at the large amount of women in the barracks. "Is everybody here on our team?"

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Tuesday at 9:31 PM

"I suppose so." He gave a look. _Huh, I just realized how many females we have." "Although, I haven't yet acquanted with many of our members..."

Deallocate-Last Tuesday at 9:33 PM

Shanoa ran a hand through her hair. She looked a bit miffed. "One of the major reasons for joining a mercenary group was because they're supposed to have a ton of big, muscly guys!" She sighed. "it's just my luck I join the one team on the continent who is composed of 90% women."
August 31, 2016

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Wednesday at 5:05 PM

For a moment, he blushed, before eyeing her unamusingly. " Muscly guys? I take it you're much more involved in... fancying others?" "Well, I'd never even thought of that. but I highly doubt you will have the time for pleasantaries." Hmph!

Deallocate-Last Wednesday at 5:08 PM

"Fancying others? I suppose that could be said. Although, not as much as getting people to fancy me." She placed a hand on his chest and stood on her toes to directly look in his eyes. "And believe me, there's always time for pleasantries."

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Wednesday at 5:13 PM

His mouth reached to the corner of his lips, feeling more and more awkward. "I... see!"(edited)

Deallocate-Last Wednesday at 5:34 PM

"Elegantly put. I couldn't have said it better myself. And with that, I bid you good day." She let out a light snicker and then began to turn to enter the door. And then stopped. Shoot. I can't turn to enter the room without showing my back. And if I back into the room, all the girls will see... She casually stood with her back to the wall. "Uh, actually, on second thought, I believe I'll stand here for a little bit." She gave a nervous smile. "Thanks for the assistance, but I'll be okay now."

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Wednesday at 5:39 PM

He raised an eyebrow. "Er..." Tch, this conversation has lowered yourself, get a hold of ourself! " Ahem, m'lady. Is it just me, or is it that you're shy? " He said, rubbing his chin. "Alas, maybe you'd be more confident with a prestigious knight like me to guide you, after all, I'm certain the women there don't bite." "Hmph, and when I walk into the room, they'll have no reason to give an eye to you~!"

Deallocate-Last Wednesday at 5:48 PM

Shanoa couldn't help but smile at his shameless bragging. "Oh, you're certainly going to turn heads, I'll give you that much." But not for the reason he thinks... "As much as I would love for you to join me, I doubt the women in my room would be overjoyed to have a man trespass in their private quarters."

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Wednesday at 6:03 PM

"... of course." He blinked. He did not realize these were the private quarters.(edited)

Deallocate-Last Wednesday at 6:10 PM

She sighed, and made a shooing motion with her hand. "Go on, I'll be fine. I'm sure my female teammates can attend to any other questions I might have."

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Wednesday at 6:14 PM

He bit his lip, feeling his pride slip away. "If you insist!" He said, turning away, occasionally glancing.

Deallocate-Last Wednesday at 6:15 PM

She stuck a tongue out. "Aww, don't look so sad. I'll try and find you after I'm done unpacking, okay? We can hang out or something."

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Wednesday at 6:20 PM

"Excuse me?" He raised an eyebrow. "I'm simply aiding you, m'lady! My own presene is enough to sufit me!"(edited)

Deallocate-Last Wednesday at 7:48 PM

"If you say so, good sir." Yikes. This guy is quite the aggressive braggart...

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Wednesday at 8:06 PM

He bit his lip, tuning away and keeping his chin up. Which was kind of funny when he probably wasn't that taller than her, or possibly shorter.

Deallocate-Last Wednesday at 8:52 PM

Shanoa used the opportunity to quickly dash into the room and shut the door behind her. Aaaaaand... safe! Her hat gave out a pitiful noise as she stood at the door, panting. "Oh, come on." she whispered. "It wasn't that close..." She walked further into the room to find out about the housing situation and unpack.
September 1, 2016

[EXPECT PAUSE HELL WITH ME] Dom-Last Thursday at 11:14 PM

Alfron walked away, scratching his head. Will I ever meet someone who's normal? ... okay, she wasn't that bad. 
==END RP==

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