Friday, September 2, 2016

A Mage Talks to a Scout

-Today at 7:40 PM

The first order of business for Artemis had been dropping off her purchase with the rest of her stuff. Afterwards, she had decided that it was rather important that she at least be acquianted with people she'd be fighting with...and if the prince asked for it, the pieces on her side of the board for strategy. She set out walking through the castle to find others in the group, hood up, her black cloak swishing behind her as she went. Hopefully, no one was like that one woman. Glory in war? What a farce. She quietly scoffed to herself.

Rabbit-Today at 7:45 PM

By one of the windows a brown haired man was looking out into the horizon with a smile on his face. He stood shorter then most of the other soldiers, but he wore the uniform of a Damonian scout. Hearing approaching footsteps, Irving turned towards the source. "Ah, you must be one of the mercenaries!" He crosses his arms and takes a good look at the woman, "A little on the short side, but who am I to talk, eh?" He let's out a chuckle and leans back against the wall adjacent to the window.

Ignia-Today at 7:50 PM of the few being sent with us? Artemis glanced up and down at the man, noting the sword and attire. Probably quick on his feet, not like Lorenzo in his armor. ignoring the comment about her height, Artemis looked Irving in the eyes, "Not a mercenary. I'm a Floriban mage and tactician who's been with Prince Phineas and Sir Erik since the start. Artemis. You are?"

Rabbit-Today at 7:54 PM

"Oh, my apologies, lady tactician." The man smiles and holds out a hand, "Irving, scout of Damona, here to assist the Prince in his journey." "I heard there was a number of mages in our ranks. Nice to finally meet one."

Ignia-Today at 8:00 PM

Artemis pulled her hood down, revealing her white hair and red eyes completely. Then she shook Irving's hand, "Still only a novice compared to many of my seniors who remain in Floribar. I specialize in Thunder magic, I've studied the other schools of anima magic but the only one I dare use in combat is Thunder." "Still, a pleasure to meet you, Irving. You're of Damona, through and through then? I had heard that the queen offered a few more soldiers in addition to the mercenaries."

Rabbit-Today at 8:04 PM

"That I am. Times have been rough for the queen, but she's trying her best and all that. Came from one of the smaller towns there before I had to enlist." Irving pulls his hand back and sits on the window sill. "Where'd someone like you come from? Did you come with anybody else? Mage or no, it's dangerous to travel alone and you don't seem like a fool to me if you're casting thunder bolts around."

Ignia-Today at 8:08 PM

"I've served Floribar since the war began. I was simply assigned to Sir Erik's unit when one of my seniors was confined to the infirmary due to injuries." Artemis allowed a frown to cross her face, "I was simply with the right group when his highness was told to leave to gather help."

Rabbit-Today at 8:14 PM

"Ah, I see. So you've been traveling for some time with the prince then? I joined up when he met with Queen Isabella, but I admit that I've not been with the main body of the group for long. Always out and about and all, comes with the job, you know?" He chuckles and flicks the small Damonian badge on his uniform but the levity soon ends. "Hey, listen, sorry about the whole Floribar thing. Seems like you lot are in a bit of a rough bind."

Ignia-Today at 8:21 PM

"Well, that's what a scout does. You must be quite quick on your feet." Artemis smirked for a moment, fiddling with the single fanciful item on her whole attire, the brooch holding her cloak together at the neck, before it left her face. "...thank you for that. I understand where your queen comes from, due how new she is and the threat the Ethysian Empire poses to the whole continent. And honestly? At this rate, any help is important. We're strapped for time and resources so every little bit ends up helping far more than it normally would. I hope you're ready to be worked to the bone."

Rabbit-Today at 8:27 PM

"Thrust into such a role for the entirety of her land before she was ever ready for it and forced to make such difficult decisions. Truly, a sad tale for our queen. But have no fear! I'm sure in the end, both of our countries will prevail. Floribar and Damona, arm in arm, just like the tales of old." Irving flashes his teeth, "And treacherous the journey may be, it's not without it's reward, Artemis. Fame, fortune, prestige, a future of peace. Anyone would 'work to the bone' for such things."

Ignia-Today at 8:34 PM

Artemis frowned, leaning on the wall next to Irving. Prestige, huh? Like that one naive girl... "All I wish for is peace. War is nothing but a breeding ground for monsters who would later be proclaimed as 'heroes'." For a young woman who's trade was war, her dist- rather, hatred for it was obvious in how her fists clenched, twisting in the fabric of her cloak.

Rabbit-Today at 8:40 PM

"As I've said, peace is but one of many rewards." Testy girl, hmm? Maybe I'll watch my words around her, lest I get get a bolt to the face. "I'd rather my country not burn to the ground by wild and wicked invaders as much as the next guy, but it's not like you can't get more good out of such unfortunate circumstances. War is terrible, I'll give you that. Nobody wants to cut down his fellow man because a bunch of people can't come to an agreement." "Well... nobody sane I should say."

Ignia-Today at 8:44 PM

Forcing herself to relax and take a deep breath, the thunder mage sighed, "At least you're more reasonable than at least one of our companions." "Still, the emperor of Ethysia is nothing but mad. There was no indication of any of this before the invasion had begun."

Rabbit-Today at 8:47 PM

Irving shrugs, "I try. Easier to talk to people when they aren't trying to bash your head in." Irving slides around in the window sill to get a view of the outside of the castle, "Who knows why the Ethysian emperor did it. Maybe we'll find out. Maybe we won't. Nothing we can do but wait and see on that. Hopefully sooner rather then later."

Ignia-Today at 8:54 PM

The young woman moved next to the window, looking out at the night sky and stars. "At this point, it's simply about reducing every possible casualty. I just pray that we find the numbers and manpower we need in other kingdoms. We will appeal to as many as we need to win this war and save Floribar."

Rabbit-Today at 8:56 PM

Irving holds up a finger, "And likely Damona as well, at this rate. If the Ethysians have taken Floribar, I doubt they'll stop their conquest there." The man swings to his feet, careful not to hit Artemis on the way up, "But that's enough wishful thinking for one day. I'd love to laze about all day, but I've training exercises that must be done. A pleasure to meet you, Artemis."

Ignia-Today at 8:58 PM

"Very'll at least have the bridge as a point of hold off the Ethysians." "A pleasure to have met you, Irving." She smiled at Irving, "Make sure you keep up that speed, in and out is the life of a scout, isn't it?"

Rabbit-Today at 9:00 PM

With a smile and a quick, casual salute, Irving began walking off, "Indeed it is! If I'm not running, then I'm off duty or dead!" He let's out a laugh as he leaves with a brief wave to the person behind him.

Ignia-Today at 9:01 PM

"Train hard! You're not dying on my watch!" Artemis waved, heading off in her own direction, At least we don't have a party filled with greenhorn idealists.
==END RP==

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