[3:23 PM] LadyDeme: A world of ideas opened up on the page. Overhead, a flock of birds swooped about the boat, filling the deep blue sky with a chorus of caws and cries. They dove into the white-tipped wake of the boat behind them. The water, too, had turned a deep, inky blue with nightfall -- where the boat didn't stir the water, it was darted by stars. There weren't many lights on the shore, a few miles off -- and so the sky was a blanket of stars. Delphine might have been trapped between them -- between the yellowing pages of her book and the starry sky that peeked down through the ship's white sails, with a glass-enclosed lantern as her main light. The boat was intended for people's travels and company, and so even at this hour, the deck had a few chairs scattered about it, relying on the smooth water of the Sacred Lake to keep them on course.
The story she was reading was one of reconcilliation -- a collection of stories, told in verse, about a princess who was seeking to free her long-lost brother from imprisonment in a cave... Something like that. The idea was, for each day she came, she would tell him a story. And when she told him a story, he'd get closer to the entrance of the cave, and thus, to finding his way out of the maze. The stories were all fairly good ones, your array of comedies and tragedies and legendary heroes sleeping in waterfall caves and the like -- gods and wonders and tailors and knights. And Delphine turned back to the frame story and hummmed to herself, as each story came to its end... And eventually, the humming became a jaunty tune, suitable for a summer festival, or a twirling dance.
[4:26 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I see that I am not the only one up and about so late," Alexandra approached, hands behind her back. For once, she wasn't done up in her battle attire. Instead she wore a fine gown, a stark white with a delicate gold trim and her family's coat of arms above her heart and on the cuffs. Peeking out from behind her back was a staff, just in case of course, "A gorgeous night on the lake. My father often enjoyed taking me out on the water, fishing and what not."
She gave a brief chuckle.
[6:05 PM] LadyDeme: Delphine's hum died down as she turned her head to see the woman, one of her fellow medics, standing over her in fine dress. Delphine's clothes themselves were of good quality, and while on a peaceful trip, she'd gone for something more ornamental than her usual travelling clothes: a short, drapey blue dress trimmed at the bottom with flowers -- perhaps originally made to be layered over something, but here, soaking up the dying summer by being worn on itself, in the style of a nymph from a painting.
"It's a beautiful night -- a treasure to be held for however fleetingly it lasts."
She spoke poetically in the moment, covering her heart with her hand and folding up the tome. She searched for what she knew of this woman -- they'd been travelling together a while, but not really... And the idea of fishing with a father was a sentimentally-charged one, and one that got a little envy from the young girl, who'd largely arranged her own paddleboats and fishing trips.
"Enjoying the water with your father, huh? That sounds really wonderful. Did you catch anything remarkable with him?"
[6:26 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Ay, but we always let them go. I never understood why for the longest time," Alexandra nodded, closing her eyes to reminisce for a moment then reopening, "But I know why now. Subtle little lessons in mercy and restraint hidden inside a small adventure."
She looked over the water, presumably towards her home, "What of yourself? Have you been on the lake before?"
[6:40 PM] LadyDeme: What a wonderful lesson for a father to teach his daughter, thought Delphine, whose father had probably never put a fish back in his life. Well -- that was perhaps harsh. You didn't shoot does, after all.
"I think I got taught a similar thing ... The castle Seneschal, Maurice has a fondness for catching butterflies. Less practical than fishing, but it was the one thing I could bring in from outside that he'd not yell. And then he'd go tell me to let it loose, once he'd written dpwn how the wings were." It was a sentimental and lonely sigh that escaped her, picturing the slightly pudgy man who seemed like he'd been the same sort of old all the years Delphine had known him, fussing at her for having a frog in her pocket -- and going out on his days off with a notebook and a net. It had been his secret hobby. Everyone had known. Just thinking of it brought a smile to Delphine's face. "...But I did go out on the lake. I grew up on the Floribian coast of the lake. That little tiny darkness, right over there..." She gestured to it sadly -- how far away it was, where it wasn't even a distant light. Her section of the night horizon was, by degrees, not far from Alexandra's own. It'd have been farther, had they been nearer, which sounded just the right sort of strange. She laughed when she spoke next, "And I'd sneak out and borrow a rowboat off of somebody, and do some studies rocked by the water. Well, later I'd do that -- when I was little, I'd just end up getting wet."
"I think I got taught a similar thing ... The castle Seneschal, Maurice has a fondness for catching butterflies. Less practical than fishing, but it was the one thing I could bring in from outside that he'd not yell. And then he'd go tell me to let it loose, once he'd written dpwn how the wings were." It was a sentimental and lonely sigh that escaped her, picturing the slightly pudgy man who seemed like he'd been the same sort of old all the years Delphine had known him, fussing at her for having a frog in her pocket -- and going out on his days off with a notebook and a net. It had been his secret hobby. Everyone had known. Just thinking of it brought a smile to Delphine's face. "...But I did go out on the lake. I grew up on the Floribian coast of the lake. That little tiny darkness, right over there..." She gestured to it sadly -- how far away it was, where it wasn't even a distant light. Her section of the night horizon was, by degrees, not far from Alexandra's own. It'd have been farther, had they been nearer, which sounded just the right sort of strange. She laughed when she spoke next, "And I'd sneak out and borrow a rowboat off of somebody, and do some studies rocked by the water. Well, later I'd do that -- when I was little, I'd just end up getting wet."
[6:50 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Hah!" Alexandra laughed once, "Ah, that reminds me of my own little secrets from my younger days. For quite a while, I'd hidden my talent for magic long into my royal guard training. I'd convinced myself that if anyone found out that I could bring light to a staff, I'd be forced into the life of a priestess. Not to discount life in the church. I count many close friends who live that life. It simply just isn't the life for me."(edited)
[6:50 AM] LadyDeme: "...I take it you weren't right, then?" Delphine asked -- she'd seen that magical talent herself in enough battles, and it hardly seemed like the woman had become a member of the clergy. She'd stuck close to what she desired, and or that, Delphine gave a mental nod to an Alexandra of the past, wherever she was, and faced the woman of the present with a grin. Because Delphine understood fighting against being forced to do things to her core.
"Still -- you stuck to your courage, even if it wasn't as you'd imagined. I'm impressed... I ended up a little pressured into my staff lessons -- not that I minded at the time."
[7:09 AM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Right. Now I always carry a staff with me, just in case. Perhaps I'd been right at some point. But when I had to put my staff work to use, I was already far enough down my own path that I had nothing to fear. I'm just glad I hadn't forgotten in my efforts to suppress."
Alexandra turned back to Delphine, "If you're happy with your life, then there's little to do. If not, then you should pursue your happiness after this business with our refugee prince."
[7:29 AM] LadyDeme: "My life isn't my staff; I've since ignored what pressured me there, when I can. I guess we're enemies now, so oh, well."
She pointed out, a wry smile. She'd been trained in the staff, sure, but that was hardly the limit of who she was, or even what she did. It was a tool in her arsenol... Or a worthwhile one. And since that time, she'd managed to get away from being forced to do anything.
"...But nor is happiness a single thing, which can be reached and never touched again. It has to be maintained -- not just through your actions, but through yourself. But that maintanence is a type of happiness, too. If you're happy now, though, you can argue that things like what you'd been asked to do in the past don't matter so much -- is that what you meant?"
An understanding that a happy life meant there was little to do was, to Delphine, nonsensical. Happiness was a thing to be cultivated, not a finish line to be crossed. The same circumstance could be happy or unhappy, if viewed differently... And there was far more to it than just being somewhere, and all was content.
...Still, even just being there, right now, would have been the start of a happiness. She put her elbow on the arm of her chair, and rested her chin on it. The horizon was a flat, black line -- and she couldn't imagine what lurked on the other side of it. She sighed over at that horizon.
"To me, this business is pursuing my happiness. Not the war itself -- I'd have been happier had it never occured... But the happiness I had before has to be defended. And this is the only way to do it, right now."(edited)
[7:33 AM] LadyDeme: Yes. The life she'd been offered, staying in Arcias, that first time... It'd looked the same. She'd had concerts and plays to go to; she'd had people of knowledge to speak with. She'd eaten well, and dressed finely, and been surrounded by beauty. And it had been nothing like happiness at all -- it had only made it worse, for being so like and so radically different from, her happiness. Even now, her mouth twisted a little, trying to grasp it.
[9:02 AM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "To me, this business with Phineas is strictly a task I must complete. My happiness lies in the streets of Davonia, in the halls of her majesty's castle, and most of all at her majesty's side. There, I can do real good. Make better for hundrends of thousands at a time by advising on policy. Here, I'm just a sword and a staff," Alexandra sighed, "But if that is what her majesty requires of me, then that is what I shall be."
She took a moment before continuing, "So as much as I want to take a skiff as the ship passes Damona's waters, I must remain steadfast until this is over and I may return home properly."
[11:17 AM] LadyDeme: Delphine hadn't even thought of that. The boat was going to pass right by her home -- she could run away, and do what she could do from the inside. Her eyes widened, and for a minute, her blood was cold -- her posture attentive and tense as a coiled spring. It was only an instant, but for her, it felt like an eternity of thoughts. But... What exactly was she going to do from there? Forment resistance? On her own? And this would be more likely to help her people how? It was a slow winding down from there, into a nod, accompanied by a small, frustrated groan.
"Augh. Yeah, I suppose you must."
She stretched her shoulders out, popping a joint that was still sti and sore. Better to re-focus. Think ahead, to when things would reach that place, beyond the war.... And, well, while she was considering the matter, she turned to a woman interested in political advice.
"But tell me: what sort of policies would you advise, following this war? Right now, it seems Damona hasn't been much-interfered with... But now, it's surrounded on all sides, and I doubt the Ethysians have any desire to let it stand. Even if it holds, its neighbors have been greatly upturned, so, what would you find it'd be wise for your queen to do?"
[11:40 AM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra considered for a moment, "Foreign policy isn't my expertise, so I admit my views are a bit rough in this area. Personally, I would sever ties with all other nations. Step up Damona's defenses. Isolate my home from the war. It would be easy enough to defend the various castles, though I fear for those that live too far from one to have a haven if attacked."
She sighed, "Honestly, I can only guess at what I would do. I'm certain there's things I've failed to consider, such as... Those more inclined towards foreign relations would insist upon rushing to our allies' sides or sending manner of supply. I'd need to sit down and think hard if I were ever in her majesty's position. I do well enough with my own slice of the council chamber, but to be responsible for everything, that is not a position I envy."
[12:30 PM] LadyDeme: Still, Delphine listened -- it wasn't in her nature to go 'screw you, got mine,' but Amarana would be far worse off than Damona, and so that might be an instinct she'd need to temper... When the time came. Alexandra had a point, even if it didn't sit well with the young Countess, who drummed her fingers on the chair's arms. Something like that would be her mother's advice.
At the same time, she could think of things Alexandra hadn't considered -- that Damona (here, in the privacy of Delphine's head, just a flimsy metaphor) would need its neighbors to not be struggling in order to keep from struggling itself. As it stood, with now only hostile and war-torn neighbors, the island was under a sort of natural siege: one that wouldn't end when the war did, not on its own. To close off would be to allow this siege to continue... Delphine perked up a little at that consideration... Before nodding and chuckling, in sympathy.
"...Yeah, I don't envy it, either. Which is making looking to the future... A little intimidating."
[12:55 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Ah. Forgive my rudeness. I'd forgotten your own situation. You've much more reason to worry than an old guard whining about being homesick," Alexandra gave a half bow, "It's hardly acceptable behavior for one of my standings."
[1:20 PM] LadyDeme: "Aw, man. Who bothered telling you something like that? Eh, well."
Delphine rolled her eyes, but couldn't do much but shrug it off. While she appreciated what she was pretty sure was sympathy... She was far less appreciative of the part where someone else shut themselves off do to her position. She waved a hand airily.
"It's not rude; it's helpful... And even had that not been the case, it'd still be worth hearing. Everyone's got complaints of their own, and I'd never mind to hear them when it means knowing someone better... But it's not like I'm doing much more right now than being homesick and worried myself. The perspective does me good."(edited)
[1:36 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I apologize, I hadn't been told you'd meant to remain discrete. I doubt who told me knew either, then," Alexandra nodded, "And again for holding my own tongue. It's become an unfortunate habit, being a guard captain and the head of a noble house both. Very often I have to catch myself and apologize for silly things, I'm sure you can empathize."
[2:05 PM] LadyDeme: Delphine nodded a little -- after all, while it was true she rarely apologized for something she didn't view as worth apologizing for, that was a fluid definition. The same action done to one person was far more worthy of apology than if it was to someone else, based on how things could play out... But at the end, there were things she could only get through an apology sometimes, and she nodded in sympathy.
"I try not to apologize for stuff I don't think is worth it... But I'll acknowledge that 'worth it' is rather an nebulous ideal. Thanks for considering my feelings -- let's put it like that.... But I guess it's not a problem that he told; I just like to keep things to myself, until I learn it won't make people fret overmuch over me."
[2:23 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I understand wanting to keep secrets. You've my word that no one will hear of it from myself," Alexandra nodded, "and don't worry about my treating you different, especially in the field. As long as they don't cross me in some spectacular way, I'm happy to to keep this sort of civility with anyone."
[2:34 PM] LadyDeme: "That's a relief. Being respected due to the chance of having been born into this or that family... It's something I can't say I care for at all."
Delphine smiled, straightening up her posture, which had grown briefly listless and meloncholy during their talk -- a sort of pensiveness that had rushed over her then dissolving a little, leading to her restlessly swinging one of her legs in a circle from the chair as she spoke.
"That's good -- likewise."
[3:16 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I don't believe there's any chance to do with it. Everything happens for a reason and happens how the gods designed it to. We're her today because to gods made it so," Alexandra stated, "The only way one gets to be 'lucky' is through faith and prayer. Follow the teachings of your church and god, and they will smile upon you."
[3:34 PM] LadyDeme: She pondered this for a moment: had the gods decided she'd have been her father's firstborn, for reasons unknown? It seemed faintly laughable, both micromanaging, and cruel, and meaningless... Save perhaps that Zyenar might well like her temperment for her position, as a patron for artists. But her philosophy preffered fortune to destiny, and so she ended up shaking her head -- when she looked up, her eyes were sparkling.
"My church has never said to me the purpose of my being born noble; I couldn't say. Only that it is so. I can't claim to know what the gods intended by my birth; I might just respect them less for having done such a foolish thing, so for my good opinion of them, I'd rather consider it chance," She said with a chuckle -- laughing as much at her own beliefs as anything, here. "What I know is, I never earned that respect, or any business making choices for others. Not yet..."(edited)
[3:54 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra closed her eyes, taking in a deep inhale. Behind her back, a white knuckled fist was now wrapped around her staff's neck.
A moment later, she released her grip.
She meant nothing by it.
You managed not to chew off the atheist's ear.
She exhaled, "I don't know which god, or gods, you kneel to. I was raised worshipping Olphira, and taught to hold her in the highest reverence. It was the only thing my father never joked about."
[4:29 PM] LadyDeme: Delphine saw that reaction...And saw this was not going to result in a fun time debating the nature of a divine providence vs a certain amount of natural chance playing across the creation of gods, allowing humans to exist as complete beings as opposed to divine playthings, and frankly allowing there to be ill in the world without putting it at the hands of Gods... Or any of that fun stuff. So instead she answered with a nod, and internal sigh she did not keep on her face, and shifted her focus and adjusted her expression.
"I worship Zyenar and Nathos, primarily...And I'd like to think the best of their wisdom, and I thank them for the gifts they've given us... I've been reminded of their mercy as of late. The mercy of all gods, perhaps. It's because I believe in them that I look to their creation for understanding."
This was said with, if a levity that was constant to her, a sincerity.(edited)
[4:39 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I'm glad you made it to us. You're a fine person, and you've helped us all a great deal. More than this old maid at least," Alexandra nodded, "I'm just glad I haven't been entirely useless in my time here."
She rolled her shoulders, then shook her head and blinked a few times, "I suppose the rust in my swordplay speaks of Damona's peace and order.l, if nothing else."
[5:09 PM] LadyDeme: Delphine smiled sheepishly at the sudden compliment, coming as it did from someone who might have been furious at her a moment ago. Easily mollified, aren't you? Or is that just your way of avoiding it? Well, either way, she'd take it, since there wasn't much point otherwise... She stretched and rose up to her own feet, to put off responding, all the same.
"Thank you for saying as much," she said with a nod. "I think you've been a pretty big help, in your own right -- there's a lot we couldn't do, without someone able to cover the field so well... And having a more experienced hand help us kids is well-placed.. Besides. Even if your arm is rusty, that's a peace you've helped maintain yourself for a long time, right? It speaks to your efforts."(edited)
[5:34 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra smiled, "It does. Thank you, Delphine. I do my best to keep order in Dovania and bring that experience to the council chamber."
"My coverage can be attributed to Copernicus, my mount. Though, I like to believe my horsemanship contributes to it as well. And this curious staff I was given a while back."
[6:04 PM] LadyDeme: "Ah, so his name's Copernicus? He seems like a good horse...I've always wanted to learn that sort of horsemanship, but time's just never been with me." Animals like that always impressed her, even though she wasn't generally-- and never wanted to be, really -- trained for battle. Working closely with an animal seemed like it'd be good beyond the practical. She considered the staff she'd seen Alexandra use before -- an impressive one, to be sure.
"We sure do get some odd things, don't we? I picked up this one staff in Barentia that's really very impressive. I've read about both of them before, but I've found all sorts of stuff I've only handed theoretically before."(edited)
[6:27 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Indeed. After receiving it, I read up on it at the port's library. A 'reblow' staff. Apparently fairly rare. We should definitely make effort to acquire any more we find, perhaps even ask our... appropriator for assistance. If necessary."
Alexandra scowled at the word, but continues, "I also came across a blade with a cross set in the hilt. I'm certain its enchanted in some manner, as my prayers feel physically stronger with it around."
[7:37 AM] LadyDeme: "Indeed -- I admit, I'm rather envious of how useful it is."
She adds, with a bit of a chuckle. She wasn't so up on law and order that someone pilfering gold from people who, frankly, weren't going to survive was an obstacle. If he'd held to it selfishly, it maybe would have been another matter, but little of it stayed in his pocket: it was a way of contributing. Or something. She shrugged.
"Hm. That sounds like an impressive enchantment; I'll keep my eye out for uses of such a channell -- I have a staff that might bestow a little blessing as well, though it probably would only make a difference were you counting on a miraculous rescue."
Which...Well, the gods helped those who helped themselves: certain will could be rewarded by heaven, as much as it could be disfavored.(edited)
[9:03 AM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Interesting. A curious tool no doubt. To be honest, I have felt any sort of divine intervention since that tourney at the arena. Olphira was determined to see me stand on one of the pedestals," Alexandra smirked, "More than once I'd thought I'd been defeated. But then the sun caught their eyes, or the fireball was a few measures off. Enough to give a chance to brace myself."
[1:10 PM] LadyDeme: "Hmmm... Something like that really does sound divine." Why would Olphira care about the results of a gladitorial tourney, anyway? Delphine mused to herself, trying to imagine the stakes of a goddess of peace. Well, maybe it was just a chance to let a follower let loose... Or perhaps it was another god, or dumb chance. Oh, well. Delphine folded her book, a small ribbon serving as her bookmark, and nodded.
"Well, this has been a fine chance to speak with you... I hope the war ends soon, so you won't be, if only metaphorically, left staring at the waters home forever. But for now, I think I should get some sleep."(edited)
[1:39 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I hope the same for yourself," Alexandra nodded, offering a hand to the other woman, "I think I'll stay for a bit longer before retiring myself. These were some fine words, I thank you for them. Sometimes all one needs is someone to listen and talk back."
[2:11 PM] LadyDeme: Delphine took her hand and gave it a mild shake -- Delphine didn't have a hard grip, but her hands weren't entirely as smooth as a noblewoman's birth might suggest, though they had a well-taken-care of quality that spoke to a little vanity in the girl, who noted with a sort of respect the hard training that Alexandra's hand spoke to.
"Fine words are rather a specialty of mine, so I'm glad to share them any time. Goodnight, Alexandra."
She waved as she headed back towards the cabins.
[2:16 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra waved with a small smile, remaining a while longer to stare over the lake waters.
[2:20 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: == === ==
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