Thursday, February 2, 2017


February 2, 2017
[4:35 PM] NethaEmerald: The whole army had set sail on the boat, waiting for the arrival at their net destination. For most, it wasn't terrible other than the lack of land and space to do stuff. For Valerie, it was a rather miserable experience. Never having really ever been in a boat before, seeing as how she was a land unit for the Barentian army, she wasn't accustomed to the sea life. As a result of this, Valerie was sea sick for a lot of their journey. She found it hard to have much energy for anything, as well as dizzy spells, sometimes accompanied by vomitting. Valerie had found herself leaning over the side of a ship, one of those big, awful waves of symptoms ovetaking her. She hadn't chucked anything out from her body just yet, but it felt like that was getting close to happening. She also looked awful; messed up hair, lack of bandana, and a sickly look and vibe. "I just want this to end..." She groaned aloud, holding a hand to her mouth, though nothing threatened to come out.
February 6, 2017
[7:15 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Don't we all," Alexandra commented absently, her voice accompanied by the footsteps of her heavy boots. The rider had her regular battle attire on, right down to her blades on the hip and staves at the base of her spine, "You look all the worse for wear, miss," the noblewoman looked out over the water. There was a certain heaviness in her voice, a somber and abysmal demeanor, "Not used to travel by water, are you?"
[7:32 PM] NethaEmerald: When Alexandra came up to her in this moment, Valerie had wished she hadn't. Before she could even respond to the noblewoman, something came up into her throat as she leaned overboard and let the chunks fly. When that was done, she looked over with one eye, feeling more like crap now, and muttered "No, i'm not." though not in an gry tone, but more of a tired, sick one. Valerie eventually got herself off the edge of the boat and put a hand through her long hair to get it out of her face. "Heh... not many people here have seen all of my hair," She thought to herself as she normally wore her bandana.
[7:39 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "If you plan to keep doing that, I'd suggest eating and drinking a handful more times a day than usual. Vomitting so much will certainely dehydrate you. And dryheaving because your stomach's empty is just as certainely bad for your health. Vegetables juices and breads are beast, to cut the stomach bile," Alexandra absently rattled off, but she was obviously more focused on the tiny out line of a castle all the way out on the edge of the water.
[7:41 PM] NethaEmerald: "I know, I know." Valerie muttered back. She knew how to handle herself better on water, but it didn't stop the sickness whatsoever. Regardless, she noticed Alex was looking off at something in the distance. Valerie herself determined it was the outline of a castle. "Is it important to you?" She asked, not even asking what Alex was looking at.
[7:47 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "It is my home," Alexanadra nodded, "Where I'd lived my entire life before being sent on this wild journey to escort our refugee prince." She sighed, then fixed her posture, "Being frank, its taking all my restraint to not abscond with one of the skiffs and return home."
[7:50 PM] NethaEmerald: Meanwhile, Valerie had gone back to leaning against the edge of the ship, given how she was feeling just a little weak on this entire jounrey it felt like. "Home... I might be one of the few who isn't ready to go home yet..." She mumbled.
[7:52 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I remember your story, miss," Alexandra nodded, "I take it you've made no progress in your dilema then?" Her gaze remained firmly on Dovania's castle.
[7:53 PM] NethaEmerald: "Only progress is that I have no choice but to go back home and take what comes; doesn't meant I want to soon, though." Valerie explained back.
[7:56 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra sighed, "So none at all then?" "I'll not press you on the topic, as you already appear at the end of your rope." "So tell me, why did you sign on with the prince?"
[8:00 PM] NethaEmerald: Valerie took a moment to take in a deep breath. "Because I have a feeling that the enemy Prince Finn had to face would become a bigger threat to Barentia.. and I was right. I left my military service there to help thwart them and hopefully make a difference enough for them not to invade, though they already at the doorstep..."(edited)
[8:08 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I was assigned to watch over the prince by her majesty, Queen Isabella," Alex sighed, "While i don't agree with her decision, she is my queen and I must serve her as best I can."
[8:19 PM] NethaEmerald: Valerie made a small 'hmm' sound when Alexandra mentioned that. "And here we are; royalty next to a common mercenary..."
[8:23 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I'm far from royal. A lot of people would have to die first. And, well, at that point I'd have more on my mind than my new throne," Alexandra corrected, "I am but an advisor, a leader of a prominent noble house in Damona, on lucky enough to be in Davonia itself. But, in all honesty, I prefer the title 'Captain' above 'Advisor' and 'Matriarch'."(edited)
[8:26 PM] NethaEmerald: Valerie nodded a little. "Noted." She mumbled back. Clearly she was wrong about Alex's title, but it still had more authority than any title she ever had in her own life. Regardless, Valerie decided to get a little curious and asked "How long you think this little war will go on for?"
[8:30 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Olphira willing, not much longer. Or so I hope," Alex sighed, "I simply wish for an end that allows me to return home and die an old age, with white hair and wrinkles."
[8:34 PM] NethaEmerald: "Don't get too ambitious there." Valerie attempted to joke, though was unsude if it even came out as a joke or not.
[8:43 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I've little idea what else I'd wish for," Alexandra shrugs once, "I'm well aware how blessed a life I lead, so I dare not wish more wealth nor power. I've enough of those to sate all but the greediest of creatons. I uphold my family's legacy daily, and wear the crest of Davonia's royal guard captain, the title I'd dreamed of since I was a girl. I was all but forced into taking a seat in her late majesty's council chamber." Alexandra rambled on, recounting her life acheivements.
[8:46 PM] NethaEmerald: Valerie nodded to everything just said. "At least your realistic." She said back before she felt another upset feeling in her stomach. "Grr... I think I might have to retire out of this conversation soon... stupid stomach's getting upset again."
[8:47 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I thank you for your ear," Alexandra nodded, "And do not forget; Vegetables, breads and water."
[8:48 PM] NethaEmerald: "I know, I know." Valerie remarked back as she went down to the mess hall once more.
[8:49 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Alexandra turned back to the water with a heavy sigh, locking her heaving and longing gaze back on Davonia's castle. Someday. Soon, I pray.
[8:49 PM] NethaEmerald: == End Rp? ==

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