[3:15 PM] Kwakado: The caravan was stopped. They'd rushed on ahead after Finn's patrol narrowly averted a bandit attack, which put the group just a little ahead of schedule. So they'd broken from the road to rest earlier, with the sun still quite high in the western sky.
Persephone stood in the patchy grass at the side of the road, not far from Flint's. Her brother's horse was off with the others, and she took the opportunity to spend some idle time on her legs. The noble rested her arms on the hilt of her fiance's sword, whose heavy blade was embedded in the soil beneath her. Though it had only been hours since she snapped during the skirmish with the bandits, Persephone seemed as calm as anyone had seen her since their arrival in Ethysia.
[3:47 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "By Baiame above... Why aren't we moving?" Javier asked himself and by uncaring extension, Ferdinand. The Arcian's eyes narrowed as they stayed fixed upon the horizon, ever vigilant for any sign that their group- more importantly Milady Noelle and the Archduke himself-would be compromised by any means. Whether it be it a stray group of bandits or a surprise Ethysian attack, the dragoon was ready and the white knuckled grip he had on his spear certainly showed it.
...Another half an hour passed by before the battle-eager pegasus knight's interest began to wane and boredom had gotten the best of him. The pair had already been flying since dawn and the next set of eyes in the sky had already been deployed. With a disappointed sigh, the dragoon landed and quickly put his pegasus with all of the other mounts alongside the gift of a carrot.
Walking around the camp with lance on his back, Javier took note of a lone swordswoman whose mind seemed to be elsewhere. Perhaps she'd know why the caravan was still stopped, and give him an answer that wasn't a shrug or simple "I don't know."
Approaching the young woman with hastened stride, the Arcian spoke up, trying to catch Persephone's attention.
"Hey! You there!"(edited)
[4:02 PM] Kwakado: "Hm?"
Blinking in surprise, the young lady turned her head to face the soldier, pushing off upright from the sword. Such a crude address was off-putting, but she retained her composure, letting him come to her.
"You're the one with the Pegasus, if memory serves?" Her violet eyes focused on his candy-coloured hair.
[4:11 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "Yes, and you're one of the few that went on that whole bandit excursion right?" Javier asked, giving a brief nod as both an answer and a confirmation to her question. Standing himself up straight with polished armor gleaming under the sun's rays, a clearly annoyed look crossed the man's usually stern expression as he awaited an answer.(edited)
[4:33 PM] Kwakado: "Indeed, sir knight. We cut them down swiftly and efficiently, just as Lady Sorine planned it. Our unit is safe for another day."
She gave her head a perplexed tilt, noticing the man's expression but still failing to understand why he'd come after her.
"..is something the matter?"
[4:41 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "Why yes, something is the matter in fact." The man answered, narrowing his eyes before raising his arms in a questioning manner.
"Why in the several hells below are we still stopped? Everybody I've asked hasn't given me a proper answer and I don't believe our quest against these Ethysians can spare any time for fooling around."
[5:35 PM] Kwakado: "It's the same reason we've stopped the day before...the draft animals need to save their strength." Persephone turned her chin up at the oaf's inquisition. "But an answer that simple goes without saying."
[6:11 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "Tch. How deplorable..." The dragoon spat, taking a second to let out his disappointed breath before pursing his lips and shaking his head. Turning away and casting his gaze upwards, Javier let loose a remark, "By Baiame above, why did I have to be placed in the company of amateurs?"
[10:20 PM] Kwakado: Persephone's gaze narrowed to match his, though her lips cast neither a frown or a smirk on his show of piety. "Perhaps it was to temper your disposition? Or to teach you something of patience? They're both rather dull, boy." She brought a single hand to her hip, unamused with the knight's sore ego on display.(edited)
[10:49 AM] ColdToiletSeat: "Excuse you." Javier answered to the comment, snapping his glaring expression back towards Persephone. Turning his body to face her, he marched towards the red haired lass with the full intention of invading whatever she had considered to be personal space.
"What was that, girl?" The pink haired knight asked, looking downwards with chin pointed pompously.(edited)
[11:15 AM] Kwakado: Standing her ground, the girl tugged at the pendant around her scarred neck with trepidation. Beyond a brief flutter of the eyelids, her gaze was unaffected by his brutish posturing, tilting up as he approached.
"Sirrah...please, try to remember that you represent Lady Noelle with your presence here, and the Godhead with your own words. If you must make such a fool out of yourself, then do so in solitude and spare me this sport."(edited)
[8:02 AM] ColdToiletSeat: "Gh You insolent-" Javier started, raising a hand to strike the young woman who had dared to insult him before stopping himself midway. Her words had reminded him that he was no longer the leader of his squadron back in Arcias. No, he was one of their numbers for the time being and he couldn't go around and provide disciplinary action for such behavior.
Letting out his held breath from his nose, the Arcian knight slowly curled each of his fingers into a fist before placing it back at his side.
"Then I suggest that you watch your tongue around me, girl."
[4:22 PM] Kwakado: "Well...I'm afraid I've yet to learn just what wound it is, that you expect me to keep from inflaming."
With her pride torn up, and her fury blunted by grief, Persephone refrained from her usual impetuous retorts. His anger did frighten her - but worse, his demeanor was that of a glorified bandit, and her scornful eyes failed to find even a shred of the supposed glory. Idle fingers, clinging to the hilt of a dead man's blade, were the ones that frightened her the most.
So she kept to the sweet, chilly tone usually reserved for the peasants who tried to mask their impotence with impertinence.
"Or your name, for that matter."
[9:03 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "Javier Morarti." The pink haired knight answered before taking a step backwards with the same look of contempt glued to his face. "I'm a dragoon issued here from the 17th Arcian Pegasus Knight Regiment to pick up whatever meager scraps your previous rider had left behind."
[4:35 PM] Kwakado: Comforted to have a bit more distance between them, the young lady widened her stance, but her hand did not leave the buried blade's hilt. The reminder of Quira was like a slap to a numbed cheek, and her face betrayed more recognition than regret.
"She fought with valiance and grace hand-in-hand, and brought glory to Arcias through her last breath. Take those 'scraps' as an honor, Morarti...you fly in the wake of a most beautiful knight."
[5:47 PM] ColdToiletSeat: Javier leaned back, letting out a snicker before shaking his head and placing a hand on either side of his armored hips.
"Well then, I suppose that's where we differ..." He remarked before stepping forward and pointing a finger at himself,
"I'm still drawing breath."(edited)
[9:26 PM] Kwakado: "And you must be swelling with pride at such a feat; I've no doubt." Her eyes widened in exasperation at Javier's irreverence, and she felt her composure beginning to slip.
"But you'd best find someone else to fawn over your survival, sirrah. It won't last with such an attitude."(edited)
[2:26 PM] ColdToiletSeat: "If that is a challenge, girl, I would be glad to accept it." The pegasus knight responded, crossing his arms and looking down upon the girl with arrogance painted upon his expression.
[3:06 PM] Kwakado: "I can see that!"
Persephone's voice lept into a high, whining register, and a limp hand flew out in front of her.pained face. Her heart was already stirring to run along with his boorish taunts, strained as it was by the contiinued weight of her brother and her beaux. So her hand, as if to keeply it in place, came to her chest, holding her heart and hilt just as tight.And her voice settled into a lower, slower rhythm.
"Make no mistake, Morarti - I've made you no offers of any sort, and I don't need you to invent them on my behalf. If you're truly this desperate for a pointless brawl, please find a dummy. I've no interest in humoring you any further."
And her face swooped to the siide, as if extending a silent "goodbye" to the knight with a wave of the hair.(edited)
[12:18 AM] ColdToiletSeat: "So be it." Javier commented, mirroring the young woman by turning away from his speaking partner and back towards the camp. Walking away, the man adjusted his headband before wiping a few beads of sweat accumulated from an earlier flight off of his brow. Hmph, perhaps a dummy wouldn't be that bad of a choice, I wouldn't have to deal with its snarky comments then.
The pegasus knight out a sigh as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with a now gloveless thumb and forefinger before casting his gaze back upwards. "By Baiame above..."
[5:31 PM] Kwakado: ====END RP====
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