Sunday, April 30, 2017

Playing and Praying

April 30, 2017
[7:47 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Poking around the temple, Julius seemed rather perplexed. He'd heard whispers that Olphira and Baiame had talked to the Prince and the Duchess and had come to investigate. Make catch some holyness on the back draft. The temple itself was is exceptionally good condition for its age, showing only minor hints to its long life. He admired the workmanship of the carvings as he walked, then walked up to the aisles to the altar. Kneeling down before it, he began praying. My Lady Olphira, Please, grant my dear Alexandra strength and courage, to see her through these stressful times. While it is true she has sinned and broken her oath, as have I, I believe she is still a good and faithful woman. She deserves not more punishment, losing a life's aspiration is plenty enough, but help to keep her faith. And please, grant me the resolve and the fortitude to return to her side at the end of this forsaken war. I've always dreampt of a child of my own, but long dismissed the prospect when none came. It would be a cruelty beyond imagination to keep me from that dream as it becomes real. Just as it would be cruel to keep Alexandra from her partner just as she would need me most, or to leave to child to a fatherless life. So please, My Lady Olphira, lend us your perseverance and fortune so that we may live happily with our family and friends long after this war passes. Thank you, My Lady Olphira. Julius stands, clearing his throat.
May 1, 2017
[7:49 PM] Birb - Sky: Viana hadn't known why, but she felt drawn to the temple before her. She had been running around, but as she passed it, it was almost as if her bow became heavier in the direction of the temple. "Huh? Thisaway? You sure are a strange one..." she thought out loud, talking to her bow She saw Julius before her, praying, so she quitely walked up a few feet behind him and knelt, waiting for him to finish. She didn't wanna interupt, especially concerning prayers. Once he was done, she smiled. "Whatcha praying for, Juli?"(edited)
[7:56 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Ah, Viana!" He manged to mask his surprise with a loud and amiable greeting, "I just finished a prayer to Olphira, asking for the safety of my family." He offered her a hand to pull herself to her feet with, "And what brings you to the altar, little miss archer? Were you also curious about the whispers Phineas and Noelle spoke of?"
[8:01 PM] Birb - Sky: She graciously took his hand to help her up, and she gave a quick "thanks" while continuing her smile. "That's very kind, Juli! I too have prayed for safety for Alex and the babies. And, well, I'd say my bow was more curious than I was at first! She seems to like church-y things like this. I met her in a similar place, y'know. But, yeah, now that you mention it, I am interested what happened here..." She glanced around, taking in the view that reminded her of the shrine in Amarana, except not as...shall we say, taken over by nature.
[8:06 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I thank you for your prayers, little miss. Every gesture counts and is welcomed," He smiles, half bowing. "Your bow, eh? Haha! Quite a unique tool you have, to think and speak like its wielder!" Julius chuckles, "Even my trusty Fulgeo isn't quite that fancy!"
[8:12 PM] Birb - Sky: "hehe, well the bow I was talking about is kinda special... I think Mouna lives in it or something... or was it the voice of Mouna? I dunno, it's complicated... But she's kinda cool and helpful, so that's nice!" She smiled, showing him the bow in question. It seemed to slightly glow and have water droplets gravitate around the bowstring.
[8:21 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Mouna? Very interesting! Its definitely quite divine looking!" Julius outlined his jaw with his fingers, "Perhaps it is a conduit of Mouna? I don't doubt that you hear Mouna's voice, but I'm not sure a god lives in your weapon."
[8:29 PM] Birb - Sky: "Yeah, I dunno the specific fancy stuff, but I can see and hear her every now and again with the bow. I don't really care how it happens, because it's really awesome either way! And yeah, it does a great deal at helping to calm me... Even if I'm inexperienced and it sometimes stings." Viana had a comforting look in her eyes. The look then turned into a blank one as she seemed to concentrate. "...child, tell the gentleman his prayers may be answered...just perhaps by another god than intended." It was as if Viana could feel the bow winking at her playfully... however that could be. Viana seemed lost in thought, or in a trance of sorts, while this conversation went on seemingly in her thoughts, as only she could hear the voice of mouna at the moment.(edited)
[8:37 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Ah. I hope you get along well with her then!" Julius smiled, "Having such a powerful friend with you at all times is a great boon!" "Little miss," Julius cleared his throat, "Are you alright? You seem rather distant all of a sudden," Julius looks to her, mildly concerned
[8:46 PM] Birb - Sky: Viana heard Julius' concern and looked at him, with eyes, softer than they are usually, as if they were filled with extreme calm, unlike Viana usually. Her bow glowed ever-so-slightly more than it had before. And it seemed as though the moisture in the air danced around the two of them. "Julius, I have been requested to tell you that your prayers will certainly be answered. If not by Lady Olphira, then by my Serenity, Mouna. I'll be happy to listen to my Serenity in helping aiding you with your own request be easing your worries. As I am certain you want safety for your beloved, she wants only the same with you, and I will gladly bestow you with the aid you desire, and even the desire of the one for whom you pray." Viana curtsied and gave a cool, calming smile.
May 2, 2017
[4:03 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I give thanks for the generous offer," Julius smiled, "But I've sworn my faith to Olphira. I must abide by whatever she has in store for this old man. I don't much enjoy having to turn down a god, but I feel I must. I hope you understand, little miss."
[4:51 PM] Birb - Sky: She looked up from her curtsy and smiled warmly without skipping a beat. The calm look of earlier changed to that of the normal Viana and the bow's glowing subsided. "Well, I can't very much turn down my Serenity, now can I, silly?" she said with a giggle. "You can go do your thing, and I'll do mine! If Olphira helps you just fine, then that's great, and if Mouna helps me help you and that helps you even better, then that even great-er! She's already helped me bunches!" she said with enthusiasm.
[4:57 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "We shall see, little miss," Julius nodded once, quick. He looked around, "My, I hadn't quite realized just what state the temple was in. It could use some clean up, but very admirable for its age and the neglect its faced."
[6:27 PM] Birb - Sky: "Sounds like a challenge to meee~" Viana said in a silly singsong voice Then she looked around at the temple's interior "I dunno, it looks nice and peaceful like this... even if it's not the tidiest. The place being holy and all makes it seem like it could last a long time and never grow ugly if that makes sense. It's how I felt about the shrine where I found Mouna's Bow" She placed her hand on the temple walls and walked along side them, dragging her hand across and appreciating the beauty of it the silliest way possible
[6:43 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Ah yes! It does have a certain sanctity to it!" Julius smiled, chuckling, "I hope that's correct. The place is quite gorgeous, and it was likely even more so before the land claimed it. Though I suppose that the flora simply replaced it with a new kind of beauty."
[6:51 PM] Birb - Sky: "Yeah exactly! It really does give this place a lovely feeling to it! If there weren't the occassional cracks and breeze, I might've considered spending the night in such a nice place..." she said with a slightly disappointed tone, still taking in the view. "And it certainly seems like a lovely place for nightly prayers! Makes them seem more important and special, y'know?"
[7:25 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I think so! Perhaps one day this will become the destination of many great pilgrimages! Perhaps it was in the past!" Julius chuckled again.
[7:27 PM] Birb - Sky: Viana stopped and put her hand on her chin. After a few seconds she turned to Julius. "Hmm, you wouldn't think a fire in here would be a good idea, would you?" Her face was filled with curiousity and contemplation
[7:28 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I don't think I've ever seen a stone building burn down," Julius answered, "Though some may view it as disrepectful."
[7:30 PM] Birb - Sky: "Right, that's what I was thinking too.... but it's tempting to find a solution to sleep inside... but it's too breezy for me to get any sleeeeep" She sounded a tad pouty towards the end, frustrated with not knowing a solution
[7:32 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I would recommend returning to camp for your nap," Julius rubbed his chin, "Not all of the flora here are very good for ones health."
[7:34 PM] Birb - Sky: "Hmm, I supposeee you're right..." She tapped her foot and racked her brain for some kind of compromise. "Hmm, maybe I could just hang around here and so I can be special and say my nightly prayer here, then I can walk back to camp to sleep! Sounds good to me!" She smiled, happy that she came up with something
[7:39 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "A brilliant compromise! I'm glad you were able to find one!" Julius smiled, chuckling. "I should likely be returning, I said that I would not be away long."
[7:42 PM] Birb - Sky: "Oh alright... b-but maybe we could come back together? J-just to make sure...nothing happens" She felt embarrassed to asked and her face turned a bit red
[7:44 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "It would be a pleasure, little miss," Julius smiled gruffly, "Either way, as a knight, I can't very well turn down a request for help."
[7:46 PM] Birb - Sky: "S-sorry... I-I mean thank you, Juli! I knew a could trust you" She smiled, still red in the face
[7:48 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "And I'm glad you decided to!" Julius chuckled, "Was there anything else, little miss?"
[7:52 PM] Birb - Sky: "I think that should be all, sir" she said with a bow followed by a silly giggle
[8:10 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Then I shall see you later, little miss," Julius smiled, turning to go.
[8:20 PM] Birb - Sky: "Yeah... cya, Juli!" She said with a smile, her reddening finally beginning to fade. As Viana ran around the general area, enjoying observing the natural life around her, the sun also soon faded. She normally was indoors or in bed but sunset, as the dark gave her some anxiety. She didn't like not being able to see what was happening, unless she did so on purpose. Which was why closing her eyes herself was a clever loophole. However, as dusk was soon approaching, she began to become a bit antsy. "I hope Juli doesn't take much longer..." "Remember to breathe and think calm, child..." said the familiar voice from within her bow. "Right, right..." Viana attempted to meditate, but wasn't completely effective, which would be painfully obvious to anyone
May 3, 2017
[9:34 AM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Eventually, the light of a lantern came in to view. As the figure neared, it became obvious that it was Julius. Coming into earshot, he cleared his throat to alert Viana to his presence, "Ahem. Little miss?"
[4:11 PM] Birb - Sky: "Ah, Juli!" she yelled as she immediately ran toward the new source of light and hugged him. "It means a lot, Juli... Thanks for coming." she said as the lantern's light orange-ish light lit up her face. As she let go, she notices her hair had a strange hue to it from the lantern light. It was now a lighter purple with yellow-orange highlights to it. "Lantern light sure makes things look a bit different than normal... that's so sweet!" She said excitedly(edited)
May 4, 2017
[1:42 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Ah, yes it does! That's because the candle has different colored light than the sun, no doubt!" Julius patted her shoulder. He gestured down the path, "Shall we, little miss?"
[6:12 PM] Birb - Sky: "Yeah, let's!" she said with another smile. "You look a bit different from the candle too, don'tcha, Juli? Man, candles are pretty cool." She giggled, amused with the candlelight out in the dark like this. Having someone with her defintely made her fears smaller.(edited)
[6:37 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Julius chuckled, nodding. He followed the young woman silently, pacing himself to remain with her as they walked.
[6:40 PM] Birb - Sky: "Oh hey, I think I can see the temple from here! It uh... it looks kinda spooky from this angle, don't it? Y-you have your sword with you, right, Juli?" Viana was beginning to get noticably anxious
[6:42 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Whenever I wear my armor, you can assume me to be armed, little miss," He nodded, offering a smile to comfort her.
[6:46 PM] Birb - Sky: "Th-thank you..." she said, now smiling, with a bit of red in her cheeks. But her face turned even more red after she realized that she has her bows with her. Oh Mouna, I forgot that I could fight too... What am I gonna do with me?
[6:56 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Not a problem!" Julius chuckles. As they approach the temple, he stops, "Well, here we are, little miss. In we go?"
[6:58 PM] Birb - Sky: "O-of course! We can handle these ghosties anyway..." she says as she confidently goes into the dark temple first. She immediately backpedals and turns to Julius. "But after you, you have the light" she said, as she tried to play it off as if she was trying to be polite. She couldn't be more scared. Er well, she could be by herself. That would be scarier, but you get the point.(edited)
[8:41 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "If you insist, little miss," Julius smiles, chuckling to himself, "Hopefully there aren't really any ghosts! I don't much think cold steel with do anything to them."
May 5, 2017
[6:41 AM] Birb - Sky: "Oh right, silly me... I'm the one with a holy weapon... That's probably work better wouldn't it?" She said with a nervous laugh
[7:21 AM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Hey, that's a good point! Hadn't thought of that honestly! It's not every day that people around you have divine weapons!" Julius laughed, "I always find 'holy weapon' to be an awkward phrase. And oxymoron of sorts."
[7:02 PM] Birb - Sky: "...hmm, dunno what 'oxie moron' means, but it does sound kinda weird. Like usually holy means something with priests and stuff. And priests can't fight unless they're really special and wise. But besides the point! hehe" she said all silly-like. Making Viana laugh sure helped with her being scared, that's for sure. She made a mental note to make sure to help out Julius sometime to pay him back(edited)
[7:49 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Quite!" Julius nodded, "Any oxymoron is a phrase in which the words contradict one another. 'Clearly Confused' and 'Pretty Ugly' are examples."
[7:52 PM] Birb - Sky: "Huh, I just learned a big word... I'll have to impress Delphi later!" she said with a sly smile. "Oh yeah, Juli, could we head toward the altar? I can't see very well how far away it is..."
[8:21 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "But of course! That's why you asked me along, correct?" Julius guided, lighting the path with the lantern. The sanctity they'd agreed in seemed to have vanished with the sunlight, now feeling as thought the site were desecrated rather than consecrated. Julius was sure the change in tone sprouted solely from the different lighting, but that reasoning hardly made it any less uneasy.
May 7, 2017
[7:52 AM] Birb - Sky: "Th-thanks, Juli" she said with what almost sounded like a whimper. She knelt before the altar once she had made her way. She was nervously shaking . She made a quick prayer. "My Serenity, please grant me some calm..." she said anxiously in a whisper. "I'll protect you, child. All you had to do was ask" the voice from her bow had said. This was the same tone the voice of Mouna had said the first time Viana met her. It was super clear and booming, yet calming and not too loud, but certainly different than the normal way she addresses Viana from her bow. The voice was so clear now... Viana wouldn't be shocked if any else could hear her now. The bow started glowing a calm blue color, with tiny water droplets dancing around. The color made it not as dark, which was comforting in and of itself for Viana "Why hadn't I thought of this earlier.... goodness, I can be rather silly sometimes. ehahaha" Viana had said with a strange laugh, as Mouna's serenity began to wash over her once again. Perhaps holy places like this are ones that enhance her divine weapon like this... It was noticably a bit weaker than it was in the old Mouna shrine in Amarana, but this was certainly more than normal.(edited)
[12:43 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "As long as you thought of it before dawn!" Julius laughed, "Then its not too late." He led her up the aisle and to the altar. Unlike the rest of the temple, the altar appeared no different that it had before. Perhaps the sudden addition of the bow's light helped that end. He set down the lantern, "Here you are little miss. Would you like some privacy to pray?"
[3:01 PM] Birb - Sky: "You can do whichever you would prefer, Julius. It doesn't bother me either way." she said with a smile. She knelt down, closed her eyes and began praying, whispering softly, because she doesn't prefer silent prayers. "My Serenity, I pray that you will calm Alexandra and allow her pregnancy to go along smoothly, with no complications. I also pray that Julius may have his nerves calmed knowing that everything will be okay. Lastly, I pray that you may calm my anxiety and sharpen my reflexes with serenity so I may protect those who I hold dear to me. I cannot afford to allow my nerves get the best of me in battle. I cannot afford to miss a vital shot... Thank you, Mouna." She wiped her eyes from tears that hadn't formed yet, but were on the verge of doing so. She had kept her eyes closed, to compose herself and appreciate the moment.(edited)
[5:19 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: Julius distracts himself, not wishing to eavesdrop on the young woman's prayer. He notices a long crack up one of the walls. Interesting, I don't recall that being there. I suppose its easily missed though, it doesn't exactly jump out. He scanned the wall for other cracks, but could no find any more within the light of the lantern.
May 8, 2017
[11:15 AM] Birb - Sky: Viana stands up and turns toward Julius, who she finds is looking at the wall. "Hey, Juli, what'cha doin there...?" she said a bit puzzled. "If you'd like to take a turn before we leave, you can do so. It's...It's rather nice at this time, despite the dark outside."
[11:24 AM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Hmm? What was that, little miss?" Julius refocused on her. "I gave my longwinded prayer earlier, little miss. I believe it sufficient."
[8:31 PM] Birb - Sky: "Yeah, don't worry, silly, I know that much! It's just that praying in a night like this with the pretty lights has it's own charm to it... I wanted to at least offer!"
[8:34 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "And I thank you for that, little miss!" Julius smiled, "It's a caring gesture."
[8:47 PM] Birb - Sky: She hugged Julius "Thanks a bunch, Juli! It means a lot that you'd help me with this. It means a lot." she said with a smile as she released him from the hug. "And as thanks for taking me here, I'll escort you this time! I can even use my glowing bow as my own lantern! I would use yours, but uh... Delphi says that I probably don't mix well with fire. But besides, a glowing bow from a goddess is pretty sweet by itself." rambled Viana Although she wasn't the most keen on it, she wanted to make it up to Julius. After all, since she figured out she could make her bow glow, she doesn't feel as scared as she did before.(edited)
[9:10 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Very well, little miss. So shall we head back to camp then?" Julius suggested, patting her shoulder when she hugged. "I let you lead then, since you seem so set on it!" He gave a half bow, holding his hand to the door.
[9:30 PM] Birb - Sky: "Well, of course! Despite what you saw tonight, I assure you that I could fight and lead if it came down it it... so leading the way would be nuthin!" she remarked confidently, with her glowing bow tightly gripped in her hand. "Note to self: give thanks to Mouna for the glowy bow." Viana thought to herself as she paused from speaking as she headed for the doorway "hehe always the gentleman, Juli! What bait did Alex use to catch you?" Viana teased with a smile
[9:43 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "I don't doubt your ability, little miss," Julius chuckled. Listening the the rest of her statement, he laughed aloud and knocked on his chestplate, "A sharper tongue than I'd thought, little miss. I believe the most correct answer would be 'with vinegar'."
[9:48 PM] Birb - Sky: "hehe sharpness is usually only with my arrows, so I was pretty proud of that one to tell you the truth" she said with plenty of giggling regarding his response
[9:53 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Ah, don't discount yourself little miss!" Julius encouraged, "If you believe it a fluke, then that's what it is. You must believe it more!"
[9:57 PM] Birb - Sky: "hehe you're too kind, Juli. I'm content enough with my bow and arrows, so the occasional sharp tongue moments are icing on the cake. Besides, they're best when they come to me rather than me trying to think hard and find them." Viana said with a smile She gestured him away from the doorway for him to follow her. She pointed in a direction with her glowing bow. "Now, c'mon, it's past my bedtime, silly"
[10:06 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "But of course, little miss. I'd be aghast to keep you up too long," Julius chuckled, following the young woman.
[10:09 PM] Birb - Sky: "Oh think nothing of it, just been used to sleeping shortly after sunset for most my life. So it's not your fault or anything. I was the one that asked in the first place, silly. I was only teasing, silly." she didn't want to be rude, so she tried to correct herself.
May 9, 2017
[1:39 PM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: "Regardless, it is getting late," Julius nodded, "We should get back before people begin thinking something went wrong."
[5:47 PM] Birb - Sky: "Yeah probably hehehe. At least Delphi may save me a lecture if I say you were with me" Viana replies with a giggle and a wink
[5:48 PM] Birb - Sky: "Well let's go, shall we, sir Juli?" She said trying to playfully sound formal. She held her bow and began slowly taking steps towards camp, watching Julius to see if he'd follow
May 10, 2017
[5:04 AM] Ulamog, the Omnom Cthulhu: He follows of course, hand rested on his sword's hilt and his own light source carried with care, "But of course little miss."
[7:07 PM] Birb - Sky: "Sweet!" she remarked with a quick fistbump in the air Viana guides the two back to camp expertly, with her trusty special glowing bow by her side -- or rather, in her hand. She only tripped like once or twice, promise! But Julius was a gentle and picked her back up of course. After she led them to camp, they part ways. And once Viana stumbles her way to her bed, she falls asleep almost immediately. "...silly child..." the voice from within her bow said, even though no one could hear her now. If she was in a visible form, she'd be smiling and shaking her head. After that, the glowing of the bow, which housed the voice, seemily decided to slumber also, and dimmed down it's lights until it was dark again.(edited)
May 12, 2017
[9:58 PM] Birb - Sky: ===RP END===