November 1, 2016
A white figure moved through the crowd in a glittering white dress, long strips of fabric hanging from the sleeves, causing the atmosphere of something billowing of flowing around a tall... Headless specter. The woman had one gloved hand grasping a small bag... And the other, holding Delphine's head, in a pale and ghastly make-up, a think line of fake blood where her neck "ended." The free hand (the one which was not a stuffed glove holding Delphine's head) waved cheerfully as the dismembered head, her long blue hair dripping around her like a ghost's, grinned.
"I see you and your friend the hat are being incredibly on-trend," Delphine said, rotating her neck so that it looked a little like her head was rolling around. The streets around them was full of lights -- carved pumpkins and turnips, dangling lanterns, the like, so that everyone could very nearly see the treet with daylight clarity... Save for a few. Delphine had noticed all the witches abroad with a chuckle of her own, but seeing her friend enjoying the night was satisfying. There was a sort of haunting beauty to Delphine's make-up work, done in pale colors and deep, cool shadows to give the impression of a graceful dead... But for now, her blackened lips were parted with a smile.
"You look fantastic, of course."
Shanoa turned to face her friend, and gave a small jump and shriek when she took in the other woman's appearance. After she recovered and confirmed that it was just a costume, she gave an embarrassed grin. "Oh, hey there, Delphine. You gave me a bit of a fright there..."
The young witch stepped forward and observed the other woman's costume with interest. Partially because she wanted to see how it was done. Partially because she wanted to confirm that her best friend wasn't actually headless.
"I must say, Delphine, this is masterful work." she said as she peered closely at the costume and makeup. "Did you do all of this yourself?"
Delphine cackled with delight at seeing another victim afright, turning a few heads their way. She stood in a confident way that suggested she was hardly not beyond preening, letting the hard work that had gone into the costume be inspected with some glee.
"Ah, why, thank you! I felt like it would be more fun if I went all-out, after all." To the question, though, she shook her "decapitated" head, shaking herself so the dummy's top and shoulders who formed her "headless body" shook its neck with her.
"I met a lovely seamstress a few streets over who was willing to help me with a few of the details, and provide some form help for the shoulders... Besides, it's a little hard to put on by myself."
Shanoa nodded, and her hat mimicked the motion playfully. "Yeah, I'd imagine so. It's not the kind of thing that can be slipped in and out of easily." The witch leaned forward to lower her face to meet the other woman's eyes. "You've got dedication. I don't think I could keep that pose for an entire night. Would wreck havoc on my back, which is already going to have enough trouble as is."
She took a step back and twirled happily. Her hair was thrown back, exposing her runes, but there were no cries of anguish from the throng that surrounded them on the streets. "I decided to go for something simple. I'm just happy to be myself."
Shanoa's eyes were bright, her smile contagious in its glee. It was obvious she was happier than she had been in a long time.
"The pose is more a pain in the neck -- literally -- than a pain in the back," The actual lean-over wasn't bad, since most of the costume was "above" her. There was a bit in the knees, to get the position of her head right, but on the whole, Delphine didn't feel the issue too badly.
"Ah, but what is this world without dedication of hard-working people? I'm always getting told to apply myself to matters of important -- truly, a public festival, which reminds us to mark the passage of time and brings a sense of joy to the corners of the years, is important,"
She said, using her real arm to gesture to make her point -- her other arm, held inside the dress, had to resist the urge to sweep out towards the people... And then she paused, her slightly self-deprecating grandiosity falling back as she saw her friend's earnest smile. The real state of the matter was...Complicated. But for the moment, these things could be simple -- that's what Shanoa's smile said to her. Delphine beamed in response.
"It's a very fine thing to be. Besides, everyone else is sadly taken. We'll have to enjoy this splendid evening to its absolute, then. Have you gotten any candy yet?"
She shook her head. "I acquired a bit of a stash beforehand, but my hat managed to find it before I could eat it myself." Shanoa lightly flicked her hat, which was doing its impression of a devious laugh. "I figured I'd hunt down some more candy when I got the chance."
The vibrant herbalist shot Delphine an inquiring look. "How about you? I hope you've had more luck than me?"
"Well, isn't he a fine piece of headwear. Do you even have a stomach, Mr. Hat? Where does it all go?"
She looked up, asking the hat in a cheerful tone, the way you might speak to an animal and not some sort of magical hat that eats candy.
"I'm sure you can get it back. I've been out for a while and gotten quite a few pieces -- the shops are treating this as a free sample opportunity, so you can get some interesting little bites!" She waved her little white back, which rustled obligingly with the sound of wax-paper wrappings, brushing up against one another."I haven't had much chance to eat any of them, though. I guess I'll save it for later."(edited)
The wide-brimmed hat burbled happily upon being addressed. Its owner put her hands on her hips and sighed. "I would assume the candy just went wherever everything else I stick in it goes. But I can't get the sweets back out of it, and it seems to have processed the sugar in some way. After all, it's not usually this hyper, and it rarely ever displays its features." Her headpiece swiveled around and began making faces at a small group of children, who shrieked in a mixture of mild terror and enjoyment of the spectacle.
Shanoa's eyes widened slightly at the prospect of free samples. "Oh, is that so? I might just have to try that out. After all, it would be rude of me to deny them their advertising." She glanced around at the shops that lined the streets with renewed interest.
"Oh, but take heed, if you save away your candy for later, make sure you store it somewhere hard to reach." She poked her hat meaningfully. "Wouldn't want a repeat of this situation. Not to mention you would be robbed of your delicious sweets."
Delphine leaned forward, showing off a bit of her fake neck-hole, while she looked over the happy, face-pulling hat. In the past, it certainly had looked more... Hatlike, she had to admit. She was suddenly put in mind of a cat that climbed all over a person -- there'd been a cat like that who'd made his home in the castle stable, and Delphine had to pull herself away from thinking too long on it.
"He does seem very energetic this evening. I guess he's enjoying just being himself as well... But don't worry. I can defend my candy from any villanous accessories."
She held the bag teasingly out of reach, as best her costume would allow, even turning at the waist for extra measure. She began to walk along, gesturing -- her candy bag swinging and the trailing ribbons on her dress fluttering about her -- at the available shops. She offered a quick history, garnered frrom asking questions and a quick look through the local library, in a cheerful voice.
"Yes! It seems this festival initially had some relation to the change of the seasons and the lengthening of evening -- an offering for roving spirits to grant blessings in return while the crops ripen this summer, or something like that... but the local candy market decided to celebrate it in their own ways."
Shanoa followed behind, slightly interested in Delphine's explanation. "Heh." she scoffed. "Consumerism. Businesses will always try to tie in their merchandise to holidays and celebrations. Fireworks for birthdays. Presents for the holidays. Candy for festivals."
She inspected a store window showing off bright-colored sweets. "Not to say I mind, though."(edited)
"Basically. But it's a spectacle you can only find here because of it, and it becomes the good of the community... And so there's a chance it's not profit but standing that propels it." There probably was some innocent good-will there. After all, it was even possible to take a loss. But standing -- standing was a currency. Tourism around the festival, like themselves, was a currency. It hardly needed to be real money -- so thought the girl going along the streets, admiring each shop's display: most often pulled sugar made to look like various gourds and ghosts, globular treasures like blown glass.
"Truly, the most horrifying of horrors: you and I just can't compare to dignity and being seen,"
Delphine said teasingly, though she sighed fondly at the beautiful array of sugars, glinting in the light of the flickering gold flames.
Her friend laughed at the jest, and turned away from the display to look at her.
"Ah, yes. Should you truly wish to scare me next time, you should dress up as a representation of s concept like that. Body horror is limited to the physical plane. Dignity? Not so much."
"I clearly made a grievous error," Delphine said, nodding and sighing. Her enemy, honor and prestige, struck again! Or something like that. She shrugged it off.
"So what sort of candy catches your eye?"
Shanoa was looking back at the display, her nose inches away from the glass.
"An excellent question. Let's see..." The young woman perused the treats on display, until her eyes stopped on a particular sweet, which she pointed at.
The piece of candy is question was a large ornate lollipop. The head of it was pumpkin shaped and pumpkin colored. Doubtlessly, it was pumpkin flavored as well. A small grinning face was drawn on it in some kind of edible ink frosting.
"I love anything pumpkin-related!" she exclaimed energetically. "Look at it! So cute! And so tasty!" Shanoa excitedly looked over to Delphine. "Anything you like?"
Delphine consideded the options, and pointed out a different lollipop -- a large round one, hard sugar on the outside around a thick, caramel center, flavored with a fruit juice, judging by the red paper on its wrapper.
"I've got a fondness for these -- they change texture as you eat them, so you end up with a really nice mix of feeling... Though... I do never manage to actually not bite through the sugar layer,"
Delphine admits, with something of a sheepish grin.(edited)
The scarlet-haired woman giggled. "Delphiiine! You're supposed to be more patient!" she chided.
Shanoa cocked her head, looking bemused. "I never expected you to be that kind of person. To not be able to hold themselves back when eating candy." She rubbed her brow idly. "I'm not reading too far into this, am I? I'm sure somewhere, the way you eat food is a established means of judging personality."
She frowned. "I'm sure I was going somewhere with this. But for the life of me, I can't remember what it was. Oh well. Blame my lack of sugar intake."
"Who are you, my mother?" Delphine said, laughing in response. That was the sort of thing she might say, sans any sign of humor. Maybe with a sigh. Delphine waved her hand airily.
"I actually like the texture of the little shards of hard sugar mixing with the goopy caramel. If you wait it out, it's just like having one and then having the other, without any synthesis... Of course, I'm also very fond of pulled and shaped sugar, and candied flowers. I used to get a bundle of candied violets each year..."
The nostalgia for the birthday before her last -- for the last one she spent in the comfort of her own home -- made a soft, very delicate expression fall onto her face. She shook her head and shrugged, before pulling open the door to the shop.
"Then it sounds like you need some candy, before you attempt to balance my humors with careful application of pumpkin-flavored lollipops."(edited)
Shanoa's face took on a mock scowl, and her voice deepened from her usual light-hearted tone. "Young lady, I'm extremely disappointed in you. I expect you to take full enjoyment in the treats that you eat, and not to chew them up like some despicable troglodyte!" She wagged her finger sternly. "As punishment, you're going to practice eating sweets until you can eat them like a respectable young woman!"
The act was too much for the witch to maintain, and tried in vain to stifle giggles. "Is- heehee- Is that what your mother sounded like?"
After a moment, she managed to regain her composure and look up at her friend. Delphine looked fragile, and almost sad.
Like she's thinking of something happy, but it's only making her more sad. Shanoa opened her mouth to inquire about it to the other woman, before thinking better of it. This is a happy occasion. I'm not going to ruin Delphine's mood by dredging up the past.
So when Delphine changed the subject and brought candy back up, all Shanoa did was smile and nod. "I think some candy will do wonders for both of us."
"Not bad, not bad! But you forgot the part where you scold me for enjoying them too much -- it's unseemly. Accept what you're offered, and eat it politely. Giving in to temptation will make it harder for you to make decisions that will better your position," Delphine explained, her tone falling into a more severe, impassive version of her own, her shadowed eyes looking at Shanoa as if judging her and finding her wanting... And then Delphine smiled, and her ghostly face seemed itself again as they entered the shop.
"Having a nice festival, ladies?" Asked the shopkeeper, directing them to a large bowl of free candy on the counter. He was already busy handing a pair of little candies to a couple of children, who gawked at the witch and her friend the specter, before thanking the shopkeep.
"Ah, splendid!" Delphine replied, taking a candy from the bowl and examining it -- it was a little candy pumpkin, which she showed to Shanoa with a grin. "Right up your alley, hm?"(edited)
Shanoa nodded ecstatically as she was handed the elaborate lollipop. Upon closer inspection, the treat was even more ornate than she had initially thought. It was obvious that whoever made them put a significant amount of effort into making sure they were just perfect.
Hmm. Maybe there's more to this candy festival than a means to promote the sale of candy. she thought. It's obvious that much more effort was put into these than necessary. Sure, it's making him look good, but it's not like he's getting anything extra by putting this much work into his creations...
Shanoa flashed the shopkeeper a genuine smile. "Thanks for the candy! I just wanted you to know we really appreciate it~!"
She dug into the bowl for a few seconds, only stopping when she pulled another lollipop from it. "I believe this is the one you wished for?" she asked, her tone making it clear she already knew the answer. Shanoa held it out for the other woman. "Just promise me one thing- You'll eat it however you deem best!"
Delphine accepted the lollipop of her own, admiring the occaisonal line drawn with once-molten sugar, in just a lighter sugar color than the red core, giving it an almost fillagree look. She admiring it and unwrapped it, pulling back the layer of wax paper that protected the treat.
"Thank you very much, sir. Have a good festival."
"You too," said the man as Delphine stepped back. Delphine understood that sort of civic-mindedness, so making something elaborate, even selfishly, made some sense to her... And not enough to distract her from the matter. She put the lollipop in her mouth, sucking on it against her cheek.
"I believe I shall," said the phantom to the witch, over her sweet. "Let's go enjoy these before we go back into the fray."
Shanoa was already licking her treat daintily. It was almost as if she was afraid to damage its ornate exterior.
"Good idea." she responded at she exited the shop with Delphine in tow. That's right. This is only a short break from the blood and the pain. Shanoa let out a sigh, almost inaudible over the hubbub of the crowd outside. I signed up for this. I better follow through with my promise.
She spun around, and grinned widely at Delphine. And times like this, spending evenings with friends and enjoying the world... that really make it worth it in the end.
"Hey, Delphine! This is probably completely out of the blue, but I'm really glad you're my friend." A different smile was on her face now. Not as playful or cheerful. Rather, it seemed resolved. Resolved to enjoy the good times regardless of the bad, rather than simply ignoring the pains of life as she normally did.
"It's because of people like you that I've been happier than I've been in a long time."
Delphine had meant the fray of the festival, the swarms of people walking by... But she understood some of it, in the look of resolve on Shanoa's face. There would be a fray -- they couldn't guess when, but it was coming. But she'd considered what she could do -- and what she couldn't... And at the end of the road, maybe there'd be candied violets, and along the way, a caramel she crunched the shell around between her teeth, savoring the mix of textures. The world, in all its chaos and all its loss, was a kalaidescope of experiences, each one shifting into place.
Delphine nodded, silently for a moment, and placed her hand on Shanoa's arm.
"...I'm glad to be there for that. I'm very happy to have met you."
She said, shifting the caramel center off to one side so she could speak clearly, and not have the moment ruined by things sticking her teeth together. It was with that feeling that she could step into the grinning lights of jack o' lanterns and bask in the noises of crowds, and feel the kalaidescope all lit up with the warmth of the almost-summer evening, and the sweetness of candy, and the surety of friendship.
She said, shifting the caramel center off to one side so she could speak clearly, and not have the moment ruined by things sticking her teeth together. It was with that feeling that she could step into the grinning lights of jack o' lanterns and bask in the noises of crowds, and feel the kalaidescope all lit up with the warmth of the almost-summer evening, and the sweetness of candy, and the surety of friendship.
Shanoa took her hand. "Likewise. Now, let's enjoy the rest of the evening! The party's only just started, after all."
The witch tugged the headless woman into the fray, and before long the two of them had disappeared from view. Undoubtedly the two woman were enjoying themselves as they continued to explore the streets during the festival.
===END RP===